WrestleZone Forums
2025年3月13日 · WrestleZone Forums, the Ultimate Place to talk about WWE and the world of Pro Wrestling!
Rebooking WCW (anything) - WrestleZone Forums
2014年8月5日 · Hi all I'm aware there are threads for rebooking WCW in many eras, but I wanted to set one up where you could rebook anything you wanted in WCW, be it simple a match it two or even an entire era. For now I'm going to rebook some of the Hulk Hogan era prior to the nWo. Hogan was getting...
Ric Flair: The 21 Time World Champion | WrestleZone Forums
2015年5月29日 · While reading about the crap booking that resulted in Ric Flair's final two World title reigns I began thinking about all of the reigns that Flair should be recognized for (and to be fair [to Flair?] which he shouldn't be recognized for). Especially now that …
List of the biggest draws in wrestling from 1908-2008
2011年7月19日 · This is a list I found in researching a claim that Bret Hart was a bigger draw, by far, than HHH. That, of course, turned out to be incorrect but I thought everyone on these boards that wasn't involved in that discussion should see this list. It was compiled by Dave Meltzer and published in the...
31 Manias in 31 Days: Rewriting Wrestlemania XIX - WrestleZone …
2003年3月30日 · Today's installment of my "Rewriting WrestleMania" series takes us to Seattle, Washington's Safeco Field, one of my personal favorite WrestleMania venues, in 2003 for WrestleMania XIX. It marked the return of "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels in his first match since 5 years prior, when he...
Wrestlemania 24: A Retrospective Look - WrestleZone Forums
2014年3月22日 · This is topic 24 of 29 threads looking back on previous Wrestlemania events. Every couple of days I have been submitting a new one and will continue until all of the past Wrestlemania events have been discussed, leading up to the big day in April where Wrestlemania 30 will take place soon...
2011年1月27日 · Well we know that in 2001,Vince McMahon purchased his biggest wrestling rival wCw,thus ended the Monday Night Wars.It opened a huge possibility of some of the dream matches.wCw had some of the biggest stars in Sting,Ric Flair,Goldberg,DDP and quite a few others.But they didn't worked with WWE at...
Rebooking Survivor Series 1998 - WrestleZone Forums
2015年12月2日 · This was a decent Survivor Series tbh, it created a new star in the Rock BUT it had way to many matches, I would narrow the tournament down from 16 to 8 and have them all win qualifiying matches to advance to the final rounds of the tournament at SS,I would put more traditional elimination matches in there, my card would be:
HBK pissed at Cena - WrestleZone Forums
2007年4月3日 · This was posted on Wrestlezone. HBK Upset With John Cena Over WrestleMania Match 04/03/2007 by Ryan Clark Dave Meltzer appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling radio show on Sunday night after WrestleMania and he said that Shawn Michaels was extremely upset and unhappy with his match against...
Rebooking Survivor Series 1994 | WrestleZone Forums
2015年11月22日 · THE RAZORS EDGE Razor Ramon, The 1-2-3 Kid, Headshrinkers vs THE KLIQ Shawn Micheals, Diesel, Jeff Jarrett, The Roadie Razor and The Kid had feuds with all 4 members of the heel team here which features Shawn and his bodyguard...