One Year Later | Welcome to Night Vale Wiki | Fandom
2013年6月15日 · "One Year Later" is the 25 th episode of Welcome to Night Vale. It was released on June 15, 2013 and marks the one-year anniversary of the podcast. It has been one year since the first episode. One year since strange things began underneath lane five of the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex.
Welcome to Night Vale Transcripts
2025年2月1日 · After many centuries, the chrysalis is stirring. The Sanitation Department hosts the first ever Night Vale Regional Swap Meet. Harrison Kip shares a holy text from his religion. Welcome to The John Peters Imaginary Corn Maze Experience. There’s a gang of Cattle Rustlers coming to town to rustle up the cattle. These are instructions for folding.
25 - One Year Later - YouTube
2015年1月14日 · One year since strange things began underneath lane five of the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex. One year since the arrival of Night Vale's most beautiful person: Carlos....more....
Welcome to Night Vale – TopatoCo
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
WTNV : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
2020年9月27日 · A Welcome to Night Vale Novel 09:39:14.
25 - One Year Later - Night Vale Presents
2013年6月15日 · A friendly desert community, where the sun is still hot, the moon still beautiful, and mysterious lights still pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale. Word is in about a disturbance at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex.
Night Vale Transcripts • Episode 25 - One Year Later - Tumblr
Episode 25 - One Year Later. A friendly desert community where the sun is still hot, the moon still beautiful, and mysterious lights still pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale. Word is in about a disturbance at the Desert …
[转][译][WTNV]欢迎来到夜谷第25集文本翻译 - The Ring of Wonder
2024年11月3日 · 第25集:一年之后 约瑟夫:嗨!我是约瑟夫·芬克,《欢迎来到夜谷》的创作者。 【动感背景音乐】 这一集标志着我们制作本节目的一周年纪念,我们无比地感谢每一个收听以及把节目分享给其他人的听众们,谢谢你们!
【授权翻译】欢迎来到夜谷(Welcome to Night Vale/WTNV)第25集
2013年9月28日 · 简介:《欢迎来到夜谷(Welcome to Night Vale/WTNV)》是每月两档(1号和15号)的播客节目,以沙漠小城“夜谷”的社区资讯作为播报风格,其内容包括本地天气、新闻、警长的秘密警察、夜空中的神秘亮光、具备未知能力的黑暗兜帽身影以及文化活动。
[WTNV]Welcome to Night Vale《欢迎来到夜谷》第259集双语字 …
《欢迎来到夜谷》作为一部泛都市传说类型的播客作品,以其超现实而又不乏黑色幽默的世界观与故事情节在世界范围内收获了巨大的人气。 出于更好的宣传和推荐的目的,我荣幸的进行了46集及之后部分的翻译,一直在trow论坛更新,之前的部分集数过多,不便搬运,还请大家移步trow的异夜咏谣板块:https://trow.cc/board/showforum=150 由于译者水平有限,如果有误望大家及时指出。 由于原节目中的开头和结尾内容时效性明显,因此在这里不做翻译,仅保留最后的今日谚 …
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