Wu Pi Yin - 五皮飲 - Five Peel Decoction - American Dragon
Promotes urination, resolves Dampness, strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Middle Jiao. Dispels Wind-Dampness, nourishes the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens sinews and bones, transforms Dampness and reduces swelling. With Da Fu Pi and Fu Ling Pi, for mild superficial edema. For those with severe Kidney Deficiency use Kidney tonifying herbs.
Wu Pi Yin, Five Peel Decoction - meandqi.com
Wu Pi Yin is a 5-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula with Poria-Cocos Mushrooms (Fu Ling), Mulberry Bark (Sang Bai Pi) and Ginger Peel (Sheng Jiang Pi) as principal ingredients.
Wu Pi Yin- 五皮飲- Five Peel Decoction-Bio Essence Health Science
Pin Ying Name: Wu Pi YinEnglish Name: Hoelen & Areca DecoctionChinese Name: 五皮飲 Herbs & ActionsPharmaceutical LatinPin YinActionsCx. LyciiDi Gu PiCools the Blood, drains Yin Deficiency Fire, drains Floating Fire in the Kidney channel and clears and drains Heat in the Lung.Cx. Zingiberis RecensSheng Jiang PiPromotes urination and reduces edema.Cx. Poria CocosFu Ling PiPromotes urination ...
五皮飲可改善水腫,麻疹初出,四肢浮腫 - 雲端中醫養生
五皮飲由大腹皮、茯苓皮、地骨皮、五加皮及生薑組成。 其中,地骨皮性寒,具有清熱涼血的功效;茯苓皮性平,偏於利水滲濕;大腹皮性微溫,可行氣消脹;五加皮性溫,能祛風濕、強筋骨;生薑性溫,能發散風寒、溫中止嘔。 綜合來看,此方中,地骨皮的寒性與生薑、五加皮的溫性形成對抗。 茯苓皮性平,偏於滲濕,對於寒熱影響較小,大腹皮的微溫性亦不顯著。 從整體來看,雖然有寒性藥物地骨皮存在,但溫性藥物生薑和五加皮的溫性相對較強,所以整體藥性呈現偏溫的 …
Wu Pi Yin 五皮飲 - Five Peel Drink - Shen Clinic
WU PI YIN: used for skin edema. Resolves Dampness, reduces edema, regulates Qi, strengthens the Kidneys, reduces swelling.
Formula Exploration: Edema - Yellow Flower
Shi Pi Yin, also known as “Bolster the Spleen Decoction” is a traditional Chinese herbal formula aimed at decreasing edema by supporting spleen health. It contains a blend of herbs chosen for their specific properties to Warm the Yang, Strengthen the Spleen, Move Qi, …
Wu Pi San (Wu Pi Yin) (Five Peel Powder) - Sacred Lotus
Formula 3 of 23 in Formulas that Expel Dampness. Regulates the Qi and tonifies the Spleen. Difficult urination and heavy or labored breathing. Decoction. Sacred Lotus can compare the …
Wu Pi Yin 五皮饮 - kamwo.com
Indication This formula is a variation of Wu Pi San. It treats skin edema with a sensation of heaviness, fullness in the abdomen, labored breathing, urinary difficulty, with a white greasy tongue coat. It has the added effect of nourishing the Kidneys, by shifting focus from the upper and middle burners to the lower burner.
Wu pi yin - Calebasse Verte
Pour chasser l'Humidité et réguler le Qi. Wu pi yin est une formule ancestrale très populaire en Chine. La médecine traditionnelle chinoise la recommande pour éliminer les excès d’Eau et d’Humidité. En effet, Wu pi yin est préconisée pour réguler le Qi, renforcer l'Énergie des Reins, combattre le Vide de la Rate ainsi que l'excès d'Humidité.
Wu Pi Yin : Five Peel Decoction : Rootdown.us
Wu Pi Yin | 五皮飲: This formula, used in traditional Chinese medicine, contains dì gǔ pí, wǔ jiā pí, dà fù pí, fú líng pí, shēng jiāng pí. To focus on the lower burner and nourish the kidneys
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