Wug (In Space with Markiplier) - SuperEpicFailpedia Wiki
"Wug" was a member of the Wug. In several branching timelines, Wug encountered two human space colonists of the Invincible II, head engineer Markiplier and the ship's captain.[1][2] After attempting to purchase sustenance for the humans, Wug …
Characters in In Space with Markiplier - TV Tropes
Race-Name Basis: All Wugs refer to themselves as Wug, and there's more than one. One Wug is even offended at Mark mistaking her for the other one. Ramming Always Works: If you call for backup during Gunther's mutiny, Wug rams the Invincible II with his ship, giving you the opportunity to escape.
In Space with Markiplier
In Space with Markiplier (abbreviated as ISWM) is a 2022 YouTube Originals two-part interactive science fiction comedy film written and directed by Mark Fischbach and a sequel to A Heist with Markiplier. The first part released on April 4, 2022,[1] coinciding with Mark's ten year YouTube...
ISWM: Wug - YouTube
2022年4月6日 · I have only known Wug for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I will eliminate everybody in this ship, including myself Check him out and explore the cosmos: • In Space with...
In Space with Markiplier streaming: watch online - JustWatch
In Space with Markiplier streaming: where to watch online? Currently you are able to watch "In Space with Markiplier" streaming on YouTube Premium.
Bob and Wade did a great job in "In Space With Markiplier" (Space ...
2022年4月5日 · Wug was so cuuuuute, Wug was portrayed so well using Wade's video personality. The cute alien trying to help us but can't form sentences was amazing. But in the detective movie bit Wug saying Mark was the ugliest human ever and YOU are the most beautiful human was great.
In Space with Markiplier (Web Video) - TV Tropes
In Space With Markiplier is a multiple-part YouTube Original feature created by Mark Fischbach, and a sequel to A Heist with Markiplier. Part 1 premiered on April 4th, 2022; Part 2 premiered on May 2nd, 2022.
In Space With Markiplier Part 2 All Endings and Events Guide
2022年5月3日 · Death by Wug: You open the door to help Crew Tyler out of the airlock. Instead of Crew Tyler, Wug steps out of the airlock and takes over the ship from you.
In Space with Markiplier Part 1 All Endings Guide - Sirus Gaming
2022年4月18日 · In Space with Markiplier Part 1 has 41 endings. This includes counting all the soft endings, true endings, multiple endings within a video, and same endings that are counted separately based on the video that precedes them.
In Space with Markiplier (2022) - Cast & Crew - The Movie …
When the star-ship Invincible II seemingly becomes trapped in an inescapable time loop, it is up to you, its captain, to save the entire crew and the multiverse.