Yuhang Wu 吴雨航 - GitHub Pages
I'm joining KEPL group at Cubist Systematic Strategies as a quantitative analyst in May 2025, and this academic homepage is no longer updated. I am currently a fourth-and-final year Ph.D. candidate in Operations Research at UC Berkeley's IEOR department and …
“浙江省服务业领军企业” “浙江省服务业领军企业”认定工作由省发改组织,是省政府为深入推进服务业高质量发展“百千万”工程,提升全省服务业企业的核心竞争力和影响力,构筑现代服务业 “六大高地”而精心组织的一项省级重大评审活动。 其认定标准涵盖主营业务收入、知识产权实力和经营业态等多个维度,上榜企业在盈利能力、销售规模和品牌口碑等方面处于全省行业领先地位。 关注同花顺财经(ths518),获取更多机会. 南下资金大力“抄底”优必选 多家券商看好2025年人形 …
长按识别二维码加入,第一时间获取 1. 舞阳量化复盘 微信群 公告内容第一时间发到群里,时间最快。 2. 微信群:舞阳量化复盘 ...
Yuhang Wu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
YUHANG WU is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at the University of California Berkeley. His email address is [email protected].
Yuehua Wu (Amy) - Faculty of Science Profiles - York University
Professor Yuehua (Amy) Wu (Mathematics & Statistics) is a researcher who considers interesting statistical problems with her students and models data to come up with analytical tools others can use. “With statistics, you have to apply,” said Wu. “I train my students to …
Estimation and model selection in general spatial dynamic panel data ...
2020年3月10日 · In this paper, we present an approach that uses the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a spatial weight matrix to directly construct consistent least-squares estimators of parameters of a general spatial dynamic panel data model. The proposed methodology is conceptually simple and efficient and can be easily implemented.
A CIE Color Purity Algorithm to Detect Black and Odorous Water in Urban Rivers Using High-Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing Images.
School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University
Peking University is the birthplace of Chinese scientific Psychology, and its undergraduate education in the discipline began in 1900. With the support of Cai Yuanpei, the former chancellor of...
Spatial patterns of climate change and associated climate hazards …
2023年6月27日 · Towards developing climate adaptation strategies to mitigate the negative climatic impacts on both the ecosystem and socioeconomic system of the region, this study investigates systematically the spatial patterns of climate change and the associated climate hazards across NWC based on high resolution reanalysis climate dataset for the period 197...
wuyh · GitHub
wuyh has 23 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.