Independent watchdog (IWDG) or Window watchdog (WWDG)?
2014年7月28日 · There is also a “window watchdog” (WWDT) which requires the code to tickle it frequently, but not too often. This is a very effective way to insure crashed code that randomly writes to the protection mechanism does not cause a WDT tickle, and the WWDT can generate an interrupt shortly before reset is asserted.
Keyed access in PIC config settings for the WWDT
I'm playing around with the settings for the windowed watch dog timer (WWDT) for the PIC18F24K40.. In chapter 3.7.3 (page 37) about device configuration, the DT Window Select bits are briefly described, but there is no explanation in chapter 9 …
PIC:How to enable watch dog timer in PIC18F67K22 controller?
Set the 0th bit in WDTCON register. WDTCON.0 = 1. The rest of the bits in WDTCON let you configure this peripheral, see datasheet for more brief notes.
microcontroller - How to stop/reset the watchdog timer from low …
As already said, the IWDG cannot be stopped and must be refreshed while in sleep mode. An alternative is using the WWDG which (at least for the STM32F105) uses the PCLK1 clock which is stopped during stop-mode, so no need to refresh (at least that is the case for the STM32F105)
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