Wyrtki Jet dynamics: Seasonal variability - Nagura - 2010 - Journal …
2010年7月14日 · [1] This study examines the dynamics of the Wyrtki jets, which are strong equatorial zonal flows that occur typically during boreal spring and fall in the Indian Ocean. Our diagnosis relies primarily on a continuously stratified linear longwave ocean model driven by QuikSCAT zonal winds.
赤道印度洋Wyrtki急流年际变异新认知 - QNLM
Wyrtki急流是印度洋上沿赤道自西向东的流幅窄、流速强的一支海流,每年在亚洲季风转换期间(4-5月、10-11月)出现两次,影响着东、西热带印度洋之间的水体、热量和盐度交换。 受限 …
Volume transports of the Wyrtki jets and their relationship to …
2015年6月17日 · In this paper we describe seasonal-to-interannual time scale variations in volume transports based on 5 years of unique measurements from an array of acoustic Doppler current profilers in the central equatorial Indian Ocean. The array was centered at 0°, 80.5°E and spanned latitudes between 2.5°N and 4°S from August 2008 to December 2013.
Behavior of the Wyrtki Jet observed with surface drifting buoys …
2009年9月22日 · In this paper, we first present a WJ climatology derived from up-to-date observations of satellite-tracked surface drifter. Time series representing the jets were then constructed from satellite altimetry. Finally, wind-driven nature of the WJs and their variability were explored through time series analysis. 2. Data.
Anomalous behaviors of Wyrtki Jets in the equatorial Indian Ocean ...
2016年7月20日 · In-situ measurement of the upper ocean velocity discloses significant abnormal behaviors of two Wyrtki Jets (WJs) respectively in boreal spring and fall, over the tropical Indian Ocean in 2013. The...
Wyrtki Jets: Role of intraseasonal forcing | Journal of ... - Springer
2019年1月4日 · These jets are usually described as semiannual direct wind forced zonal currents along the central and eastern EIO. We show that both, spring and fall, Wyrtki jets show predominant semiannual spectral peaks, but significant intraseasonal energy is evident during spring in the central and eastern EIO.
Interannual variability of the spring Wyrtki Jet
2021年3月11日 · During spring after an El Niño (La Niña) Modoki event, the Wyrtki Jet has a positive (negative) anomaly, forced by a westerly (easterly) wind anomaly. The result of a linear-continuously stratified model shows that the first two baroclinic modes explain most of the interannual variability of the spring Wyrtki Jet (~70%) and the third to fifth ...
2013年Wyrtki急流变异及影响机制分析 - 百度 ... - 百度学术
海气耦合模式是我们对未来气候变化进行评估的重要工具,而CMIP模式代表了世界上目前最先进的耦合数值模式,并为我们评估耦合模式对WJ的模拟能力提供了很好的平台。 我们使用24个CMIP5模式初步评估了耦合模式对WJ的模拟能力。 结果表明,CMIP5模式可以模拟出气候态WJ的空间分布特征和季节演化特征,但是各个模式之间模拟结果有较大的差别。 同观测资料相比,一些模式模拟的秋季WJ延迟一个月达到盛期。 进一步诊断分析表明,模式模拟得到的热带印度洋海表纬向风对 …
(PDF) 赤道印度洋 Wyrtki 急流盐度输运对正 ... - ResearchGate
2016年11月21日 · During the negative IOD events, the Wyrtki Jets strengthen in the equatorial Indian Ocean, forced by enhanced equatorial westerly winds, which favors a stronger eastward transport of high salinity....
Equatorial Jet in the Indian Ocean: Theory | Science - AAAS
A nonlinear numerical model and a simple analytical theory explain the basic features of the equatorial surface jet in the Indian Ocean recently reported by Wyrtki. The observed width of this transient current, 500 kilometers, is given theoretically by twice …
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