Wz. 89 Puma - Wikipedia
The Wz. 89 Puma was the successor of the wz. 68 Moro pattern in the Polish Armed Forces. Puma was first produced in 1989, and was replaced in 1993 by wz. 93 Pantera. [1][2]
波兰Tantal系列步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
早在1973年华沙军事科技大学(Warsaw's Military Technological University,缩写WAT)的研究小组便研究出一种提高弹道性能的新型中间威力枪弹——7×41mm步枪弹,该工程的代号为“Marszyt”。 这种枪弹弹道低伸,在300m距离上的弹道高约240mm,枪口初速达到770m/s,当使用7.68g钢芯弹射击时,其枪口动能可达2200焦耳。
FB Onyks - Wikipedia
The 5.45 mm subkarabinek wz. 1989 Onyks (polish for: sub carbine wz. 1989 Onyx) is a lightweight Polish short variant of the 5.45 mm wz. 1988 Tantal assault rifle, also based on the AKS-74U. Work on the weapon began in 1989 at the Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy state research institute in the city of Radom.
消失的军队系列:“红色白鹰”——波兰人民军的单兵装备_部队与人 …
2021年1月14日 · 东欧剧变前夕发配的Wz.89行囊,是波兰人民军唯一一款拥有独立背带、无需与Y背带固定的军用背囊。 鉴于波兰Wz.58步兵靴与捷克斯洛伐克篇提到的Vz.60大致相同,本篇不再细说。
Polish 'wz. 89 Puma' winter bechatka jacket – Warsaw Surplus
Puma, wz.89, "Frogskin," was the last camouflage pattern adopted by the Polish People's Republic. Produced and issued in 1989, it saw service in both the communist and modern Polish Armed Forces until 1993 when it was replaced by wz.93. Puma was initially planned to be the next big thing in the Polish army with its "futuristic" camouflage.
Kbk wz.89 (Onyx) Assault Carbine / Submachine Gun (SMG)
2016年7月22日 · The wz/ 89 was essentially a carbine form of the longer wz/ 88 assault rifle, the former intended to serve with those battlefield units that could respect its portability - namely security units, vehicle crews, paratroopers and special forces elements.
Tantal系列步枪 - 百度百科
“缟玛瑙”wz.89基本上就是缩短的“钽”wz.88,使用207mm短枪管、取消刺刀座和两脚架,缩短导气管和护木。 奇怪的是,wz.89保留了发射枪榴弹的能力,用枪管这么短的短突击步枪来发射枪榴弹也算是世界唯一了。
2010年12月29日 · 本刊2010年3 (下)期介绍了波兰在1980年代研制的5345×39mm口径钽式系列步枪 (Wz.80和Wz.88)以及缟玛瑙式步枪 (Wz.89)。 1990年代,波兰政局发生翻天覆地的变化,其加入北的组织后,很快就设计而5.86×45mm品径的步枪,其中5.56mm Wz.90步枪于1991年完成设计,Wz.96铍式步枪 ...
WZ. 89 'Onyx / Onyks' - production | AK Rifles
2012年10月22日 · Hi everyone, I have the opportunity to purchase a 5.45 polish WZ.89 and am looking for informations regarding that rifle. Unfortunately, I found nothing in the litterature I have. I'm looking for pictures of different variants made, prototypes as well as production models, scans of books, reports of military tests etc.
Polish Wz.89 Puma Backpack - goodcamo
Genuine Polish Military Surplus Wz 89 Pattern commonly referred to as 'Puma' or 'Reptile' pattern Large unstructured backpack with water resistant fabric base Unissued Condition. May have signs from storage