My X-Max 300 Engine Upgrades & General Setup - Adventure Rider
2020年4月14日 · What I can say however is that when taken together these mods make a quite significant difference to the X-Max 300 and makes it feel more aggressive, freer revving and …
My X-Max 300 Engine Upgrades & General Setup - Adventure Rider
2020年4月14日 · Max hp for the X-Max 300 is at 7250 rpm stock so there's really no point in revving more than that. If you're revving to 8500-9000 rpm you'll lose hp and performance that …
My X-Max 300 Engine Upgrades & General Setup - Adventure Rider
2020年4月14日 · However a well constructed radial tire tends to be more compliant and I think a lot of the complaints about "rear end harshness" on the x-max 300 could be cured with a good …
My X-Max 300 Engine Upgrades & General Setup - Adventure Rider
2020年4月14日 · The stock X-Max 300 is nice but quite laid-back, now with these mods the x-max 300 feels well.. almost aggressive. It's more responsive on the throttle and generally feels …
Question for the Yamaha Xmax 300 owners | Adventure Rider
2019年6月18日 · The XMax is a maxi-scooter but with only 300cc. That is fine for city driving but on open roads and expressways, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with less than 400cc. I …
[Guide] How To Service or Change Rollers (sliders) (X-Max 300)
2018年7月12日 · This is for the X-MAX 300 but there will obviously be similarities between a lot of scooters. The X-Max 300 uses six 23x18 17g rollers. The engine delivers max torque at 5750 …
Yamaha X MAX 300 | Page 3 | Adventure Rider
2016年10月18日 · This side, the X-Max 300 sells for 6k euros (1K less than a MT-07). At the same weight is a very hard sell. Only + being storage and automatic gearing. Making it a very …
My X-Max 300 Engine Upgrades & General Setup - Adventure Rider
2020年4月14日 · So since I was suspecting that my X-Max 300 was running slightly lean (looked at spark plug), and I didn't want to fork out $300 for an aftermarket ECU, this is what I did. …
2023 Yamaha Xmax 300 - Adventure Rider
2023年3月1日 · Maybe I'm old school but the dual analogue gauges was one of the reasons I liked the X-Max 300. This 2023 redesign seems like a bit of a nothingburger if you ask me. …
XMax 300 or Burgman 400? Please help me decide - Adventure Rider
2020年4月9日 · On the other hand if you do think the x-max is comfortable and stable enough for prolonged highway use at 65-70 then I personally see almost no reason to pick the Burg 400. …