ChessX download | SourceForge.net
2022年11月1日 · Download ChessX for free. Chess Database and PGN viewer. A free and open source chess database application for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
ChessX - Free Chess Database
ChessX is your new sparrings partner. Collect arbitrary number of databases in PGN format. Merge databases or individual games, clean games from variations or annotations. Clean databases from duplicates. Classify your games in different categories. Prepare for your opponent with personalized game statistics.
Download PGN Files
Portable Game Notation (PGN) is the most popular standard for the representation of chess games. PGN is designed for ease of reading and writing by humans as well as computer programs. The files below are available for download, completely free.
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Isarhamster/chessx: Sources of the official ChessX version. - GitHub
Multi-platform. It supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X; Load and save PGN files; Work with multiple databases simultaneously; Browse chess games, including variations; Enter moves, variations, and comments; Setup board, copy/paste FEN; Search in databases for text or positions; Display tree of moves for the current position
Portable Game Notation - Wikipedia
Portable Game Notation (PGN) is a standard plain text format for recording chess games (both the moves and related data), which can be read by humans and is also supported by most chess software. This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.
学习国际象棋,要先了解的PGN记谱规则 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1992年11月4日 · PGN 就是“可移植式棋局记号法”(Portable Game Notation),是一种以 ASCII文本文件 表示 国际象棋棋局数据 的标准设定。PGN设计成使人们很容易进行阅读和编写,电脑程序很容易进行解析和产生。
Download ChessX - MajorGeeks
ChessX is a free chess database and PGN viewer for Windows. ChessX allows you to load and save PGN files and work with multiple databases simultaneously. You can browse chess games, including variations, enter moves, variations, comments, board setup, copy/paste FEN, search in Databases for text or positions, display tree of moves for the ...
可移植式棋局记号法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
可移植式棋局记号法 (英语: Portable Game Notation,PGN),是一种用于纪录 国际象棋 棋局的纯文字 档案格式。 PGN适合人类阅读,多数的国际象棋软体都有支援。 本条目使用 代数记谱法 来描述国际象棋棋子的走法。 Steven J. Edwards在1993年左右发明了PGN格式,PGN后来在 Usenet 的 新闻群组 “rec.games.chess”中受到详细制定及推广。 [1][2] PGN的副档名是.pgn。 PGN的规范风格是为了“使人类能简易地阅读和书写,也让电脑能简易地解析和产生”,PGN中 …
中国象棋电脑应用规范 (四):PGN文件格式
PGN(Portable Game Notation)是棋类游戏过程的文件格式,既然国际象棋以这个规范作为记录棋谱的标准,那么对于中国象棋来说,在还没有一个统一标准的今天,PGN无疑是一个好的选择。