North American X-15 - Wikipedia
The North American X-15 is a hypersonic rocket-powered aircraft which was operated by the United States Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as part of the X-plane series of experimental aircraft.
x-15 高超音速研究项目是由 nasa 牵头,联合美国空军、海军和北美航空公司共同进行的。x-15的速度和高度记录在20世纪60年代出现,到达外层空间的边缘,并返回与在飞机和航天器设计中使用的有价值的数据。
X-15試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
北美X-15(North American X-15)是一架由北美航空所承製開發的火箭動力實驗機。 X-15可能是在 貝爾X-1 之後, 美國空軍 / NASA / 美國海軍 X系列試驗機中最重要的一架。
X-15 Hypersonic Research Program - NASA
2014年2月28日 · In the joint X-15 hypersonic research program that NASA conducted with the U.S. Air Force, the Navy, and North American Aviation Inc., the aircraft flew during a period of nearly 10 years and set the world’s unofficial speed and altitude records of 4,520 mph (Mach 6.7) and 354,200 feet in a program to investigate all aspects of piloted ...
人类历史上飞行速度最快的飞机X-15 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NASA 60 Years & Counting: X-15
The X-15 was the first to use reaction controls for attitude control in space; re-entry techniques and related technology also contributed to the space program, and even earth science experiments were carried out by the X-15 in some of its flights."
X-15 - Hypersonic Research at the Edge of Space - NASA
Composed of an internal structure of titanium and a skin surface of a chrome-nickel alloy known as Inconel X, the X-15 had its first, unpowered glide flight on June 8, 1959, while the first powered flight took place on September 17, 1959.
人类史上之最:X-15高超音速飞机 - 搜狐
2016年12月27日 · x-15飞机是用来进行技术验证的高超音速飞机,机身长15.24米,翼展6.7米,高4.17米。 最初使用两台XLR-11火箭发动机(后改为 XLR-99),X-15 机身表面覆盖镍铬铁合金,用来保护机身不在1200度的高温下变形。
X-15: Pushing the Envelope | APPEL Knowledge Services - NASA
2010年10月22日 · The X-15 was created to explore hypersonic (generally defined as five times the speed of sound) aerodynamic performance, research structural behavior during high temperatures and pressure, study stability and control during exit from and reentry of the atmosphere, and examine pilot performance and physiology.
关于X-15高超音速飞机的那些事(一) - 知乎专栏
x-15 独特的简单调节系统由 液氮储罐 和所需的分配管道,调节阀等组成。 冷的液态氮加上流体汽化过程中固有的有效吸热特性,形成制冷所需的散热器。