Martin Marietta X-24 - Wikipedia
The Martin Marietta X-24 is an American experimental aircraft developed from a joint United States Air Force - NASA program named PILOT (1963–1975). It was designed and built to test lifting body concepts, experimenting with the concept of unpowered reentry and landing, later used by the Space Shuttle. [1] .
X-24A - 百度百科
马丁·玛丽埃塔 X-24A是一个美国空军与美国宇航局称为PILOT的联合研究项目产物(1963-1975)。 该机型主要用于测试升力体概念,试验无动力重回大气层以及着陆。 该概念被应用于后来的航天飞机。 [2] X-24是NASA飞行研究中心与空军合作进行的一系列升力体试验机项目之一。 升力体试验机主要用于验证这类由飞行员驾驶的无翼飞行器是否具有从太空返回地球并能像飞机一样在指定地点着陆的能力。 X-24 (型号:SV-5P)由马丁·玛丽埃塔公司制造,在 加州 爱德华兹 …
Martin X-24A - National Museum of the USAF
This aircraft represents the Martin (now Lockheed Martin) X-24A, which the U.S. Air Force and NASA flew to study flight characteristics and maneuverability of “lifting bodies.” A lifting body is a fixed-wing air or spacecraft -- such as the space shuttle -- in which the body itself produces lift.
Controlling Descent From on High: The X-24 - Lockheed Martin
When NASA began work on a prototype vehicle for transporting astronauts back to Earth from the International Space Station in the mid-1990s, it was the X-24A’s famous teardrop design that was chosen, a fitting tribute to a potato-shaped wonder that helped usher in a …
X-24试验机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-24A是一种很胖的水滴型飞机。 它的首次无动力滑翔是在1969年4月17日,飞行员为 美国空军 的Jerauld Gentry少校,他也是1970年3月19日第一次有动力飞行的飞行员。 X-24A会被一架改装了的 B-52 轰炸机带入45000英尺(13.7千米)的高空,然后与母机分离。 在此之后它会一直滑翔到地面,或者先启动火箭发动机,升到一定高度后再滑翔到地面。 X-24A共飞了28次,速度达到了1036英里/时(1667千米/时),高度达到了71400英尺(21.8千米)。 在整个计划中,X …
X-24A - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The X-24A was the Martin Corporation's subsonic test version of the US Air Force's preferred manned lifting body configuration. AKA: SV-5P. Status: Operational 1969. Thrust: 37.71 kN (8,477 lbf). Gross mass: 5,192 kg (11,446 lb). Unfuelled mass: 2,712 kg (5,978 lb). Specific impulse: 225 s. Height: 7.47 m (24.50 ft). Span: 4.16 m (13.64 ft).
X-24A Lifting Body - NASA
2016年2月3日 · The X-24A was a joint program between NASA, the U. S. Air Force and Martin Aircraft Company. The aircraft flew 28 times between 1969 and 1971. Its unique design further validated the concept that an non-powered Space Shuttle vehicle could be successfully landed.
Lifting Bodies - NASA
2014年2月28日 · X-24A. Built for the Air Force by Martin, the X-24A was a bulbous-shaped aircraft, with three vertical fins at the rear for directional control. It weighed 6,270 pounds without propellants, was just more than 24 feet long, and had a width of nearly 14 feet.
Aircraft: Martin-Marietta X-24A - Aero Web
The fastest speed achieved by the X-24A was 1,036 miles per hour (1667 km/h or Mach 1.6). Its maximum altitude was 71,400 feet (21.8 km) . It was powered by an XLR-11 rocket engine with a maximum theoretical vacuum thrust of 8,480 pounds force (37.7 kN). The X-24A was modified into the more stable X-24B with a entirely different shape in 1972.
X-24A - NASA
2014年2月14日 · Built for the Air Force by Martin, the X-24A was a bulbous-shaped aircraft, with three vertical fins at the rear for directional control. It weighed 6,270 pounds without propellants, was just over 24 feet long, and had a width of nearly 14 feet.