Boeing X-40 - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-40 Space Maneuver Vehicle is a test platform for the Boeing X-37 reusable spaceplane, built by Boeing Phantom Works. It sought to test the X-37's systems in order to "reduce the cost and risk of future reusable space launch vehicle system".
Boeing X-40A - National Museum of the USAF
The unmanned, unpowered Boeing X-40A was the first-phase flight test vehicle for the U.S. Air Force’s Space Maneuver Vehicle program that began in the late 1990s. The program aimed to develop small, reusable, highly maneuverable spacecraft for deploying satellites and conducting surveillance and logistics missions.
X-40A Space Maneuvering Vehicle - NASA
2016年3月2日 · The X-40A was an 80% subscale version of the X-37 experimental autonomous spaceplane technology demonstrator, but lacking propulsion or thermal protection systems.
美国X系列验证机介绍(X-Planes) - 知乎专栏
目的: 无人作战飞机(UCAV), 单位: 波音(Boeing), 首飞: 2002 (X-45共有a、b、c三种。X-45b是X-45a的放大版、但没继续开发,x-45c外形又被用于X-46跟X-47竞争) X-45b是X-45a的放大版、但没继续开发,x-45c外形又被用于X-46跟X-47竞争)
Boeing X-40A - NASA
2016年3月2日 · The X-40A was an 80% subscale version of the X-37 experimental autonomous spaceplane technology demonstrator, but lacking propulsion or thermal protection systems. The X-40A flew seven approach and landing test flights at NASA Dryden in 2001 to reduce risk for the X-37 program, including in-flight evaluation of guidance, navigation and control ...
X-40A Space Maneuver Vehicle - NASA
2023年8月23日 · The X-40 sub-scale technology demonstrator and its U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter mothership fly over a dry lakebed runway during...
Boeing X-40 Space Maneuver Vehicle - Technology Demonstrators
The Boeing X-40A, also known as the “Space Maneuver Vehicle,” was an experimental spaceplane developed by Boeing Phantom Works for NASA’s Space Maneuver Vehicle program. It served as a technology demonstrator for future crewed and uncrewed space vehicles, aiming to validate autonomous landing and recovery capabilities.
X-37試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-37試驗機 或稱為 軌道試驗飛行器 (英語: Orbital Test Vehicle,常縮寫為 OTV)是 美國 波音公司 研制的 無人 太空飛機。 X-37在起飛時需要以 火箭 搭載升空或大型飛機高空投放,再依靠自身动力进入近地轨道,並且在近地轨道上連續飛行一年以上。 在回程時,其钝型机首能使X-37较快减速,耐高温隔热瓦能抵受重返大氣層時所產生的熱力,然后像一般飛機一樣,滑翔飛行至跑道降落,同時還能在結束任務時自動返回地面,有視其為未來「太空戰鬥機」的雛形 [1]。 X-37的 …
Boeing X-40A Experimental Space Maneuver Vehicle was built to test landing technologies for the later X-37. Height: 6.71 m (22.01 ft). Span: 3.66 m (12.00 ft). The X-40A successfully completed a series of seven approach and landing tests at NASA Dryden in 2000 and 2001.
荣耀X40 - 百度百科
荣耀X40搭载骁龙695 处理器,前置800万像素摄像头,支持人像模式、延时摄影、笑脸抓拍、自拍镜像、声控拍照、定时拍照、手势拍照等拍摄功能,后置摄像头采用5000万像素镜头+200万像素镜头,内置5100毫安时容量电池,为5G全网通手机。 [3] 2022年9月6日,荣耀手机宣布,将于2022年9月15日发布荣耀X40系列手机。 [1] 2022年9月13日,荣耀X40开启预约。 [5] 2022年9月15日,荣耀X40正式发布,并于同日预售。 [2] 2022年9月23日10:08,荣耀X40全渠道正式销 …
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