Boeing X-46 - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-46 was a proposed unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) that was to be developed in conjunction with the United States Navy and DARPA as a naval carrier-based variant of the Boeing X-45 UCAV being developed for the U.S. Air Force.
X-46無人機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
x-46無人機是波音公司研發的無人戰鬥航空載具。 該計畫將與 美國海軍 以及 國防高等研究計劃署 合作,以製造艦載版的X-45無人機。 2000年6月,海軍分別與 波音 與 諾斯洛普.格魯曼 簽訂了兩分技術演示合同。
X-46 - 百度百科
x-46 将用来验证无人机是否能在航空母舰上进行起降,并完成监视、压制敌防空和纵深攻击任务。 X-46A 与 X-45A 很相似,大约 10.4 米长,翼展 13.4 米,可携带 1,200 千克重的武器弹药,航程要求达到 1,200 千米,续航时间要求达到 12 小时。
X-46 (航空機) - Wikipedia
x-46はアメリカ海軍が検討していたucav(無人戦闘航空機)。 ボーイング 社が開発担当していたが、 2003年 に 統合無人戦闘航空システム 開発計画のために計画は中止された。
X-46 - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The X-46 designation was assigned to Boeing in 2001 to encompass a "low-cost approach" to the US Navy's planned naval unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV-N) technology demonstration.
Boeing X-45 / X-46 - Designation-Systems.Net
Boeing X-45 / X-46. In the late 1990s, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began to study the possibility of building an unmanned strike aircraft. In March 1999, Boeing received a contract to build two X-45A UCAV (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle) technology demonstrators. The X-45A was to develop and test technology for a future ...
染色体核型分析45,X[4]/46,XX[46]是什么意思? - 知乎
2023年3月27日 · 染色体核型分析45,x[4]/46,xx[46]表示这个女性有两种不同的细胞核型,其中一部分细胞只有一个x染色体(45,x),另一部分细胞有两个x染色体(46,xx)。 这种染色体异常称为45,X/46,XX混合型。
X-46 - sailboatdata
Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam^1.33), where displacement is expressed in pounds, and length is expressed in feet. Capsize Screening Formula (CSF): Designed to …
X4⁶ | X-Yachts - Luxury Performance Cruiser Yachts
X4⁶ hulls are built with X-Yachts' advanced technology, including vacuum epoxy infusion, and incorporating X-Yachts' famous steel keel grillage to securely hold the composite lead/iron keel, in place for outstanding safety in all conditions.
Boeing X-46 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Boeing X-46 là một mẫu máy bay chiến đấu không người lái (UCAV) đề xuất được phát triển bởi Hải quân Hoa Kỳ và DARPA. Tham khảo. Liên kết ngoài Boeing X-45 / X-46 page on designation-systems.net ...