CCL X1A1 Carcará - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年12月24日 · The X1A1 was powered by a Scania-Vabis DS-11 A05 CC1 6-cylinder in-line 256 hp diesel engine. A difference with the X1 is that the X1A1 uses more drive components from the 18-ton M4 instead of those of the M3 Stuart. This meant that the X1A1 had the same 3-speed transmission as the 18-ton M4.
Bernardini X1A light Brazilian tank
X1A (1975) - Based on the M3A1 Light Tank with a new diesel Saab-Scania 280 hp engine, improved suspension, improved armor, new fire control system, DEFA 90 mm (3.54 in) cannon, new turret. 80 converted.
进了51区的斯图亚特——Bernardini X1A坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
项目带来的成功给了Bernardini迷之自信心,让他们在1983年开始研究自己的主战坦克MB3 Tamoyo。 保存在Conde de Linhares军事博物馆的X1A. 关于Bernardini. 位于圣保罗的Bernardini S/A Industria e Comercio (Bernardini工程贸易公司)成立于1912年。 当它第一次获得来自军方将M41升级至M41B和M41C标准的合同时,它已经是一个出色的汽车制造商了。 该公司还参与了BT25和BT50 (类似于丰田Bandeirante)等轮式车辆的开发制造。 该公司最终因为Tamoyo坦克 …
X1A1轻型坦克 - 百度百科
廉颇老矣,尚能饭否——巴西X1系列轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
为了满足自家陆军对装甲车辆的需求,巴西决定对二战末期曾购买的约220辆M3、M3A1“斯图亚特”轻型坦克进行现代化改造,这一项目由伯纳迪尼公司负责。 M3“斯图亚特”轻型坦克. 1972年,伯纳迪尼公司生产出两辆试验样车。 次年,样车通过巴西陆军的测试,正式批准量产,军事编号为“X1A”; 1978年,工程师在X1A的基础上将其拉长车身并增加负重轮,以改善越野能力,将新车命名为“X1A1”; 1979年,后继型号X1A2正式诞生,其采用了许多先进电子设备; 1983年,X1 …
CCL X1A2 Carcará - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年8月4日 · The Carcará was an indigenous crested hawk and was previously the nickname of the X1A1. The nickname most likely carried over from the X1A1 to the X1A2 because the X1A1 project was unsuccessful, and the X1A2 carried over many aspects from the X1A1. A Carcará hawk. Source: https://www.britannica.com/animal/caracara
CCL X1 Pioneiro - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年7月30日 · The X1 was a more or less successful attempt by the Brazilian Army and its rising defense industry to convert an obsolete tank into a service-worthy vehicle. The X1 was the apex of the M3 Stuart, considering the X1A1 was a failure and the …
M3斯图亚特终极版本:X1A轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
Bernardini X1A (Stuart): Photos, History, Specification
The main battery fired HEAT ("High Explosive, Anti-Tank"), HESH ("High Explosive, Head of Squad") and APFSDS ("Armor Piercing, Stabilize, Discard Shells") projectiles. The tank standard of 80 samples was modified and serviced. The next X1A model became the X1A1, an improved proposal that never reached the production stage.
X1A1轻型坦克 - 火器百科 - huoqibaike.club
名称:x1a1轻型坦克; 研发厂商:伯纳迪尼工业与贸易公司; 诞生时间:20世纪70年代初; 底盘类型:履带式; 轮胎负重轮数量:六对; 性能数据. 乘员与载员:4人; 车长:6.36米; 宽度:2.4米; 高度:2.45米; 战斗全重:17,000千克; 最大速度:60公里/小时; 最大行程:520公里
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