Behringer | Product | X32
Introduction. This End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a binding Agreement between you ("End User," "you" or "your") and Empower Tribe HQ FZE ("Company ...
Download Mixing Station XM32 for PC / Windows / Computer
2024年11月14日 · Mixing Station XM32 has emerged as a dynamic remote control solution for the Behringer X32 and Midas M32 mixing consoles, distinguishing itself by offering an impressive range of features that far exceed those of official apps provided by console manufacturers.
How to Remote Control a Behringer X32 With Your Compute
2024年7月29日 · Connecting your Behringer X32 to a computer unlocks a plethora of remote control capabilities , streaming your mixing process. To facilitate this connection, several options are available, depending on your setup and preference, controlling that will free you from running back and forth in front of the board every time!
2021年7月16日 · X32的功能毋容置疑的强大, 但听说你买来到现在还连不上电脑和ipad? X32的后面板上有一个以太网端口,可通过iPad上的X32-Mix或PC上的X32-Edit应用程序通过网络进行连接和远程控制。 为了能够做到这一点,X32必须正确设置,记得更新哦。 X32. 01. 步骤一
New X32 Remote Compatible with Sceptre X32 X32GV …
2019年1月25日 · Genuine factory Remote Control, Sold by Sourcing Remote Exclusively. Preprogrammed--No need any setup or programming. Putting batteries in and Works. Batteries and User Manual are not included. This product is from a small business brand. Support small. Learn more. One of these items ships sooner than the other. Try again!
- 4/5(33)
X32 Digital Consoles - Remote Control Setup - YouTube
In this live broadcast, we will show you how to setup your X32 Digital Console for wireless remote control via your iPad or PC/Mac/Linux computer. We will al...
M32/X32 SETUP中你可能不知道的事儿 - DAV01.COM
2018年7月4日 · M32/X32 3.08版本更新支持X-LIVE 32路扩展卡,支持SD/SDHC卡或USB音频接口多轨录制/回放。该选项用于切换屏幕顶部状态指示器,USB 2-Track(文件名,进度/剩余时间,状态)或X-LIVE(工程名,进度/剩余时间,状态)。 Link Preferences联结偏好
GitHub - dan88v/esp32-x32-remote: A simple remote unit for …
A simple remote unit for Behringer X32 / Midas M32 mixer capable to control fader and mute of each channel and showing values/feedback on a 1602 display. It uses OSC protocol via UDP to set and get information.
Behringer干货|带你用电脑和ipad玩转X32 - 搜狐
2017年12月15日 · X32的功能毋容置疑的强大, 但听说你买来到现在还连不上电脑和ipad? X32的后面板上有一个以太网端口,可通过iPad上的X32-Mix或PC上的X32-Edit应用程序通过网络进行连接和远程控制。 为了能够做到这一点,X32必须正确设置,记得更新哦。 X32. 01. 步骤一
Behringer X32 MIDI RX/TX > REMOTE, MIDI CC (raw), MIDI CC (raw…
Enables a specific form of bi-directional MIDI communication for remote controlling a computer DAW application using control elements of the X32 console. REMOTE can be used in 3 modes, Mackie Control, HU I and raw MIDI CC (raw) controllers (see Setup/remote)