x64dbg has an integrated, debuggable, ASM-like scripting language. Community-aware x64dbg has many features thought of or implemented by the reversing community.
Architecture of x64dbg
2016年10月4日 · x64dbg has a complex architecture. There are three basic parts, namely DBG , BRIDGE and GUI , but in fact there is a fourth part, EXE . This is the main executable, it compiles into x64dbg.exe .
Introduction — x64dbg documentation
This section explains the basics of x64dbg. Make sure to fully read this! Contents:
x64dbg · Official x64dbg blog!
2025年3月4日 · In this article I’ll be showcasing some of the thoughts and features behind x64dbg Automate, my automation solution for x64dbg. I designed this project with the goal of building on x64dbg’s command execution engine and plugin API to provide an expressive, modern, and easy to use Python client library.
Make better use of x64dbg
2017年4月20日 · There are numerous features offered by x64dbg which you might not know before, or have not make good use of. This blog will introduce some of these “hidden” features and good ways to make use of them.
GUI manual — x64dbg documentation
GUI manual¶. This section describes the usage of the program’s graphical interface. Contents:
Messages Breakpoints in x64dbg
2017年7月7日 · Messages Breakpoints in x64dbg 07 Jul 2017, by ThunderCls Introduction. Have you ever been trying to reverse a specific function in an application, but cannot really find it? For instance, let us assume you want to locate the code that is being called right after a click on a button or a keystroke.
Welcome to x64dbg’s documentation!
Welcome to x64dbg’s documentation!¶ Suggested reads ¶ If you came here because someone told you to read the manual, start by reading all sections of the introduction .
x64dbg plugin SDK
2016年7月30日 · The x64dbg plugin software development kit (SDK) is used to create plugins for the x64dbg debugger. This article aims to do a number of things: Highlight the existence of the x64dbg plugin SDK. Highlight the existence of the x64dbg plugin SDK for assembler. Technical overview of the plugin loading sequence.
Introducing Contemporary Reverse Engineering Techniques to
2016年7月9日 · x64dbg is an open source debugger. You can easily write plugins and scripts and contribute to the code base. x64dbg has a good design and friendly user interface that shows promise to become a better debugger.