从X5 PHEV读懂BMW (全新45e) - 汽车之家
2020年8月2日 · 新款的45e电池在美国南卡工厂(宝马SUV大本营,也是其全球最大的工厂)组装,电池商是和i3一样的三星SDI,没压成本,但满足了安全性与稳定性,现在欧美已经有许多跑了二三十万公里纯电的i3了,电池容量没有什么明显变化,而且安全性远超同样二三十万的 ...
X5 45e or X7 40i - Page 2 - g05.bimmerpost.com
2022年5月4日 · Got great feedback on my previous thread about X5 45e, X5 40i, or wait it out. The X5 45e seems to be the popular winner for the G05 option. However, the 2022 X7 40i has entered the chat.
45e: Anyone running 22" style 742M? - BIMMERPOST
2022年8月7日 · Just placed an order for a 45e, but I really don't like any of the wheel options. So I will be ordering on the side the 22" style 742M (Only available on the 40i MSport) and selling the no cost 19"s that will come with it. Question is, is anyone here running that setup?
X5 45e owners...any regrets? - BIMMERPOST
2021年3月30日 · As I contemplate taking advantage of high used car rates right now and putting in a new build for an X5, I am intrigued by the hybrid. For the most part my commute is about 25 miles each way, mostly highway. I am wondering if anyone has regrets choosing a hybrid versus the regular gas 40i.
Wifey’s X7 Brooklyn Grey XPEL Stealth on HREs - BIMMERPOST
2023年12月30日 · Snapped a few photos of the wifey’s new 2024 X7 in Brooklyn Grey. XPEL stealth with ceramic coating. Mods: XPEL Stealth, HRE FF10, IND painted reflector, 50th anniversary roundel, front lip, tinted windows 35% front/50% back
BMW X5 xDrive40i vs. BMW X5 xDrive45e – Which One to Buy? - BMW BLOG
2022年12月28日 · The BMW X5 xDrive45e promises all the benefits of owning a superior SUV (the X5) with a hybrid powertrain for added efficiency. This is exactly what it does: keep the battery...
全新宝马X5插电混动45e详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
新一代X5插电混动 xDrive45e一大亮点其实隐藏在发动机盖下,那就是换装全新 B58直列六缸3.0T发动机 的插电混动动力总成,它相比上一代xDrive40e配备四缸2.0T发动机的插电混动动力总成有着多个技术亮点。 全新B58直列六缸3.0T发动机由于如下特点拥有出色的性能: a. 高强度铸铝发动机缸体. b. 发动机封闭冷却水道设计. c. 电弧喷涂技术wire arc spraying technology (LDS) d. 单涡轮双涡管. e. 智能发动机热管理. ↑2017款宝马X5 xDrive40e插电混动动力总成.
Avis x5 M50D ou 45e - MA-BMW.com
2024年4月3日 · Entre un L6 diesel et un L6 hybride, ce sont tous les 2 des BMW, mais autant il y a du recul sur le 50d tri ou quadri-turbo, autant sur le 45e dans la durée (>5ans), c’est limité, et le kilométrage électrique aura un impact direct sur la batterie.
X5 45e 두 달 주행 후기 - 클리앙
2024年3月26日 · 2월 1일에 bps에서 13000km 탄 출고가 1년도 되지 않은 신차를 가지고 왔습니다. 추가 비용 대비 큰 메리트를 느끼지 못해 45e로 출고했습니다. 전기 주행거리로 100km 를 간다고는 하지만, 90% 시내 주행에 왕복 20-30km가 최대라 주행가능 거리 면에서도 아쉬움이 없었습니다. 2달간 1000km 이상을 주행했는데 충전비 5만원 기름 (고급유) 5만원이 끝이네요. 평균 연비는 47.6km/l 라고 하네요. 제가 사용하는 환경에서 베터리가 부족하다는 것은 한 번도 느끼지 …
2019-2023 B MW X5 Screen Protector for BMW X5 (40i/45e…
2023年2月20日 · Reduce Fingerprints: This 2022 B MW X7 screen protector, its hydrophobic and oleophobic coating can effectively prevent fingerprints from sweat. Precise laser cutting, rounded edges, delicate polishing, making it smoother to the touch
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