DuPont™ AmberLite™ XAD™ 7HP Polymeric Adsorbent Resins
DuPont™ AmberLite™ XAD™ 7HP is a crosslinked aliphatic acrylic adsorbent resin with water retention capacity of 61-69%, average surface area of 750 m 2 /g, and a mean pore size of ~550 Å. Due to its aliphatic nature, AmberLite™ XAD™7HP can adsorb non-polar compounds from aqueous systems and can also adsorb polar compounds from non ...
Amberlite XAD-7 大孔吸附树脂 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Amberlite XAD-7为聚合的大孔吸附树脂,白色球体,不溶于一般的酸碱和 有机溶剂。 由甲基丙烯酸类物质聚合而成,具有大的表面积和连续的孔径。 Amberlite XAD-7具有优良的物理、化学和温度稳定性。 Amberlite XAD-7大孔吸附树脂可以通过适当的再生循环使用多次。 由于其特殊的 芳香环 母体结构适合于从水溶液中吸附非极性的物质或者从 非极性溶液 中吸附极性物质。 其典型的物理性能指标如下表所示: 基体:大孔型 聚甲基丙烯酸酯. 外观:透明白球. 真密度 :1.06 …
XAD-7 is the only "moderately polar" XAD resin now available. It has been used to remove relatively polar compounds from non-aqueous solvents, and to remove non-aromatic compounds from polar solvents. It has been used for removal of organic pollutants form aqueous wastes, ground water and vapor streams.
Amberlite XAD-7, Thermo Scientific Chemicals - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Amberlite XAD-7 is used in chromatography media, enzyme immobilization and water purification. It is also used in the removal of relatively polar compounds from non aqueous solvents, non-aromatic compounds from polar solvent, recovery of …
Amberlite ™ XAD7HP polymeric adsorbent 20-60 mesh | Sigma-Aldrich
Nonionic macroreticular resin that adsorbs and releases ionic species through hydrophobic and polar interactions; usually used under isocratic conditions. Weakly polar adsorbent resin for …
Sorbent Tubes, XAD-7 | Order High-Quality Sorbent Tubes, XAD-7 …
Sorbent Tube, XAD-7, 6 x 110-mm size, 2 sections, 100/50 mg sorbent, 20/40 mesh, fits Type B tube cover, pk/50. SKC offers a complete selection of sorbent tubes designed specifically for solvent extraction specified in many OSHA, NIOSH, ASTM, EPA, and non-agency methods.
Amberlite™ XAD7HP 20-60 mesh | Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
非离子型大网格树脂,通过疏水性和极性相互作用来完成离子吸附与解吸;通常用于等度条件下。 可用于分子量高达 60,000 的化合物的弱极性吸附剂树脂,具体用途包括胰岛素、黄腐酸和腐 …
Sorbent Tubes, XAD-7 OVS | Order High-Quality Sorbent Tubes, XAD-7 OVS ...
Uniquely constructed and versatile SKC OVS tubes combine sorbent and filter into one glass tube to trap aerosols and vapors simultaneously and overcome inconveniences of earlier methods. SKC OVS Tubes meet the specifications of several OSHA, NIOSH, and non-agency methods for sampling pesticides, explosives, alcohols, and biocides.
DuPontTM AmberLiteTM XADTM 7HP Polymeric Adsorbent is shipped as a water-wet product imbibed with sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) salts to inhibit bacterial growth.
安伯莱特XAD-7大孔树脂,Amberlite® XAD7HP Resin;20-60 mesh
非离子型大网格树脂,通过疏水性和极性相互作用来完成离子吸附与解吸;通常用于等度条件下。 可用于分子量高达 60,000 的化合物的弱极性吸附剂树脂,具体用途包括胰岛素、黄腐酸和腐殖化合物的吸附,干燥废弃物、有机物的去除和回收,以及抗生素的回收。 储存温度 Storage temp. 美国St. Louis ≥ 30 | 欧洲Eur. ≥ 10 | 東京Tokyo ≥ 9 | 香港与北京 ≥ 30.