North American XB-70 Valkyrie - Wikipedia
The North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie is a retired prototype version of the planned B-70 nuclear -armed, deep-penetration supersonic strategic bomber for the United States Air Force Strategic Air Command.
The XB-70 is a large, high-performance, delta-wing airplane designed for cruise flight at Mach 3. A three-view drawing of the airplane in the landing configuration is shown in figure 1, and a photograph of an actual landing is shown in figure 2.
This paper presents data obtained from the first 48 landings of the XB-70-1 airplane. Included are main-gear and nose-gear landing loads , accelerations of the aircraft structure due to landing impact, and initial landing-contact conditions.
A variable-geometry system was fitted to the nose, allowing a ramp forward of the cockpit to be raised for supersonic flight or lowered for a direct forward view.
XB-70 Position Errors From Wind Tunnel and Flight ermining position error. In addition to the Reynolds number effect, angle-of-attack and shock- wave boundary-layer interaction on the Pitot-static probe influenced the position error and could be isolated only from th
XB-70 nose question - HyperScale Forums - Tapatalk
2019年5月13日 · Is there a video showing the nose shield on an XB-70 moving from its landing/takeoff position to the supersonic flight position?
Check Out These Detailed Shots Of The Massive XB-70 Valkyrie …
2021年7月16日 · Close up view of the XB-70A nose. (All images: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio) Take a look at these detailed photographs of the XB-70 Valkyrie’s...
001 -- Flight of the Valkyrie
The hottest portions of the Valkyrie, her nose and horizontal splitter, reached a temperature of only 625 degrees during Mach 3 flight, with the majority of the XB-70's skin at a temperature of just 450 degrees!
General Dynamics B-58 & North American XB-70 - AirVectors
The XB-70 was an extremely "clean" aircraft, which minimized heat buildup, but the nose and other leading parts of the aircraft did rise to 330 degrees Celsius (625 degrees Fahrenheit), while the rest of the aircraft remained at 232 degrees Celsius (450 degrees Fahrenheit).
North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie - SimplePlanes
Introduction XB70 bomber is a high-altitude high-speed strategic bomber developed by the former North American Airlines in the 1960s. During the test flights in 1965 and 1966, the speed of this aircraft reached Mach 3It is the fastest strategic bomber. Control AG1 = Variable nose canopy and foldable wingtips AG3 = Bomb bay doors AG5,6 = Lights