High-dimensional single-cell analysis of human natural killer cell ...
2024年7月2日 · We identified three prominent NK cell subsets in healthy human blood: NK1, NK2 and NK3, further differentiated into six distinct subgroups. Our findings delineate the molecular characteristics,...
张泽民教授团队最新NK细胞泛癌症单细胞图谱文章详读 - 知乎
2023年10月18日 · 最近的研究表明,1型传统树突状细胞(cdc1s)通过分泌xcl1、xcl2和ccl5与nk细胞一起被招募到肿瘤中。 研究者的研究结果确定了通过细胞类型特异性互补策略参与 cDC1 招募的各种 NK 细胞亚群。
Discovery of specialized NK cell populations infiltrating human ...
2019年12月5日 · Tumor-infiltrating NK cells represented 7 clusters with distinct gene expression programs indicative of significant functional specialization, including cytotoxicity and chemokine synthesis programs. In particular, NK cells from 3 clusters expressed high levels of XCL1 and XCL2, which encode 2 chemokines known to recruit XCR1+ cross-presenting ...
XCL1 and XCR1 in the immune system - PubMed
XCL1, a C class chemokine also known as lymphotactin, is produced by T, NK, and NKT cells during infectious and inflammatory responses, whereas XCR1, the receptor of XCL1, is expressed by a dendritic cell subpopulation. The XCL1-XCR1 axis plays an important role in dendritic-cell-mediated cytotoxic …
NK细胞图解(SNAPSHOT: Nnatural killer cells) - 知乎专栏
NK细胞还可产生一系列细胞因子(IFN-Y 、 TNF-α 、 IL-10)、生长因子(GM-CSF)、趋化因子(CCL3 、 CCL4 、 CCL5 、 XCL1)。 NK细胞还能通过与树突状细胞、巨噬细胞和T细胞相互作用来形成免疫应答。 细胞表面抑制性和激活受体之间的动态平衡保证了NK细胞效应功能的调节。 这些抑制性受体,如人类中的K1Rs(killer—cell immunoglobulin receptors)和小鼠中的Ly49的抑制性亚型以及同时存在于两个物种中的CD94/NKG2A异二聚体,可识别各种形式的主要组织 …
NK Cells Stimulate Recruitment of cDC1 into the Tumor …
In NK cell-depleted mice, Ptgs1/Ptgs2 −/− BRAF V600E tumors expressing XCL1 grew more slowly than mock-transduced cells (Figure 5F), suggesting that XCL1-mediated recruitment of cDC1 can partially compensate for the loss of tumor immune control caused by NK cell ablation.
NK Cells Stimulate Recruitment of cDC1 into the Tumor ... - PubMed
2018年2月22日 · Here, we show that cDC1 accumulation in mouse tumors often depends on natural killer (NK) cells that produce the cDC1 chemoattractants CCL5 and XCL1. Similarly, in human cancers, intratumoral CCL5, XCL1, and XCL2 transcripts closely correlate with gene signatures of both NK cells and cDC1 and are associated with increased overall patient survival.
TME文献精读 | NK细胞刺激cDC1募集到肿瘤微环境中促进癌症免 …
2020年1月15日 · cDC1子集依赖于其转录因子Batf3的发育,并且可以通过选择性表达C型凝集素受体DNGR-1(又名CLEC9A)和趋化因子受体XCR1来鉴定,以及在非淋巴器官和肿瘤中在CD11b低表达的情况下整合素aE(CD103)的高表达。 cDC1子集依赖于其转录因子Batf3的发育,并且可以通过在非淋巴器官和肿瘤中选择性表达C型凝集素受体DNGR-1(又名CLEC9A)和趋化因子受体XCR1来鉴定。 在Batf3- /-小鼠中cDC1的缺乏消除了免疫原性肿瘤的排斥以及对过继 …
NK cells bring in the troops - Nature Reviews Immunology
2018年2月16日 · Intracellular flow cytometry analyses of cells from COX-deficient tumours four days after implantation showed that NK cells expressed CCL5 protein and Xcl1 mRNA, while some rare tumour ...
Frontiers | The Role of XCR1 and its Ligand XCL1 in Antigen Cross ...
2012年2月9日 · Secretion of the chemokine XCL1 by activated NK cells specifically attracts XCR1-expressing DCs capable of antigen cross-presentation. This ensures an effective communication between these cells in the innate phase of the immune response.