What Does XD Mean? How to Use & Reply to the Classic Emoticon - wikiHow
2024年11月21日 · XD means the same thing as LOL (Laugh Out Loud), and is used to share or respond to something funny. The emoticon resembles a laughing face that’s spun 90 degrees to the left, similar to 😆 (grinning squinting face emoji). XD was most popular in the 2000s and early 2010s, and became a meme thanks to its use in emo subculture.
Crying Laughing Emoji - Know Your Meme
XD is an emoticon of a smiley face guffawing with its mouth open and eyes closed, which is commonly used to convey loud laughter in a similar vein to the use of the acronym LOL.
和外国人聊天:) ;D XD :(这些符号是什么意思? - 百度知道
xd 代表开怀大笑,表示遇到非常可乐的事情,笑得合不拢嘴;:( 代表伤心,表示失望,沮丧,也表示不合心意。 将这几个符号顺时针旋转45°就不难发现,他们都是用很简单的符号,组成了一个个形象的表情,如下图: 扩展资料
Grinning Squinting Face Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with a broad, open smile and scrunched, X-shaped eyes. Often conveys excitement or hearty laughter. Similar to 😀 Grinning Face but with eyes that might say Squee! or Awesome! An emoji form of the >< or xD emoticons.
XD - Know Your Meme
XD is an emoticon of a smiley face guffawing with its mouth open and eyes closed, which is commonly used to convey loud laughter in a similar vein to the use of the acronym LOL. On some discussion forums and imageboard communities, the use of the emoticon, along with its phonetic transcription ecks dee , have been met with negative reception ...
Cry Analyzer - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
The Cry Analyzer (Japanese: かいどくそうち Decoding Equipment) is a Key Item exclusive to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. The Cry Analyzer allows the player to detach several malfunctioning Pokémon Translators during the post-game. The player must correctly answer a quiz question about the Pokémon they're facing in order for the Translator to come off.
Pokémon XD - Walkthrough - Serebii.net
Talk to the Combusken, and the Voice Capsule to remind it of its cry, and enables it to remove the translator from its body. From here, you head back and forth between Kaminko’s House and Agate, and try to match the Voice Capsules to the Pokémon. 2 is for Poochyena, 3 is for Taillow, and 4 is for Wobbuffet.
《Cry For Me》完整版 - 哔哩哔哩
【Cry For Me 】“我喜欢了你十年,却用整个四月,编织了一个我不爱你的谎言”
网络用语"XD"是什么意思? - 百度知道
股票在除息日当天,代码前需要加XD的英文字母,XD是英文Exclude(除去)Dividend(利息)的简写。 如果某只股票前出现XD,说明该股票当前正在发放股息红利,因此该股票的基准价会比前一个交易日的收盘价要低一些。
得物还在泡池子。。[笑cry] 还有xd没开的嘛?这还有机会没[笑cry…
2023年10月25日 · 得物还在泡池子。。[笑cry] 还有xd没开的嘛?这还有机会没[笑cry] #得物#_牛客网_牛客在手,offer不愁