XDL 122L | Bristol RELL6L/ECW delivered to Southern Vectis a
2001年8月12日 · XDL 122L Bristol RELL6L/ECW delivered to Southern Vectis as 302 in 1972. She was a one-off purchase for mainland touring in green/cream livery. Later painted in …
- 查看次数: 1811
Bristol RELH6G | XDL122L / 302 | Ex Southern Vectis - YouTube
A 1972-built Bristol RELH 6G with an ECW 19874 Series 2 C49F body formerly operated by Southern Vectis painted in the National Express livery owned by the Ha...
XDL122L & KAD359V | Both vehicles restored in National expre
2013年5月27日 · Both vehicles restored in National express livery, Southern Vectis number 302, (XDL122L), A 1972 Bristol RELH6G with ECW body stands alongside KAD359V, a 1980 Black …
- 查看次数: 1434
XDL122L | The 50th anniversary of production of the Bristol - Flickr
2012年7月29日 · The 50th anniversary of production of the Bristol RE, being celebrated at Bristol will also have this RELH coach with ECW body. Southern Vectis took a sole example of the …
- 查看次数: 658
Illustrated History for XDL122L - bcv.robsly.com
10/1996 - current: Terry Hussey, Basingstoke & Newman, Ryde (for preservation).Reregistered XDL122L, 11/1997. Kept at Steventon barn. Moved to Patchway, by 1/2004.
Category : Preserved bus in the UK (XDL 122L)
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Friends of the PSV Circle | SOUTHERN VECTIS. - Facebook
southern vectis. 302, xdl 122l. Bristol RELH6G, ECW C47F body. New to Southern Vectis 9/72, this would often put in an appearance in London throughout summer months, seen in …
Bob Mockford Online - Photos
XDL 122L: Southern Vectis 302: A 1972 Bristol RELH. BFJ 175L: Western National 1075: A 1973 Bristol VRT. GNU 568N: Trent 421: A 1974 Leyland National. ...
初探阿里开源X-DeepLearning(XDL)深度学习框架 - 知乎
近期,阿里开源了其自主研发了深度学习框架X-Deep Learning (XDL),该框架专注于高维稀疏数据场景,如推荐、广告、网页排序等,具有很高的商用价值。 据称该框架目前正服务于 阿里妈 …
XDL200系列药品追溯码 智能扫码一体机 - XDL - 成都新得利电子 …
XDL200系列专为药品追溯设计,可广泛应用于:药房拣药、进出库登记、制药生产线、药品检测等药品追溯环节,是针对药品生产/流通企业、医院、药店等药品追溯领域进行多码批量、快速 …