XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR | Lenses | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX - USA
2021年4月15日 · Get up close and wide open with Fujifilm’s versatile FUJINON XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR, a professional, portable, and weather-resistant prime lens. With a focal length equivalent to 27mm, it’s the perfect choice for sprawling landscapes, the sights and sounds of the street, and everything else in between.
FUJIFILM XF 18mm f/1.4 R LM WR Lens - B&H Photo Video
The XF 18mm f/1.4 R WR Lens continues FUJIFILM's tradition of compact, portable primes lenses for discerning photographers. This wide-angle lens is well-suited to documentary, travel, landscape, nature, architectural photography, and even astrophotography.
Field review: Fujifilm XF 18mm F1.4 R LM WR
2021年5月20日 · The Fujifilm XF 18mm F1.4 is a great option for a bright, fast walkaround prime for X-mount shooters. Equivalent to 27mm F2.1 on a full-frame camera, it's fast enough to offer a decent separation between foreground and background, despite its wide field-of-view.
【評測】大光圈╳高畫質╳耐候性:FUJINON XF 18mm F1.4 R LM …
2021年5月25日 · 相信部份富士用戶和編輯一樣,在等一顆能可以代XF 18mm F2 R的鏡頭,如今這個願望終於能夠實現! XF 18mm F1.4 R LM WR不僅在畫質上有長足進步,亦擁有更大的光圈與耐候性能,XF 18mm F2 R不曾有的,這顆鏡頭通通都給你。 SPECIFICATION. 在XF 18mm F1.4 R LM WR推出之前,富士用戶想找一顆等效28mm左右的原廠定焦鏡,唯有XF 18mm F2 R莫屬,它雖然夠輕巧,但畫質只能說乏善可陳,而且也不具備防滴防塵,同時較舊的對焦馬達亦 …
富士XF 18mm f/2评测 Fujifilm XF 18mm F2 R review - 水映菲林
2020年1月6日 · 富士XF 18mm f/2 R是一支Aps-c画幅“饼干”微单镜头。 等效全画幅27mm f/3(焦段和光圈都x1.5倍系数),拍摄视角和手机很近似。 附件包括一个有趣的方口遮光罩。
FUJIFILM XF 18mm f/2 R Lens - B&H Photo Video
Distinguished by its slender form factor, the FUJIFILM XF 18mm f/2 R is a wide-angle 27mm-equivalent prime featuring a bright f/2 maximum aperture. The compact size and general wide field of view make this lens well-suited to everyday shooting, as …
富士X卡口发布第35款镜头 广角大光圈18mm F1.4 - 知乎
这是富士胶片X卡口镜头系列的第35款可换镜头,具备27mm(35mm等效焦距),最大F1.4光圈,专为X系列无反数码相机而设计。 XF18mmF1.4长7.56cm,重量仅为370g,滤镜口径为62mm,最近对焦距离为20cm。 可满足各类拍摄需求:从风景和城市,到人像和婚礼。 F1.4大光圈可轻松应对弱光的拍摄环境,画面背景也可产生柔顺的散景虚化效果。 XF18mmF1.4秉承X系列质轻、简洁的成像解决方案理念,生成的图片质量优异。 既能减轻摄影师背负器材承重负 …
Fujifilm XF 18mm F2.0 R 平行輸入 - Fujifilm (X Series) - BigCamera
XF 18mm F2 R,等校約為27mm的標準定焦鏡,鏡片組成7群8枚,內含1枚非球面鏡片,最近對焦距離為18cm。 第五和第七片鏡片是玻璃非球面鏡片,有效的增加最大光圈(第五塊鏡片)和減低整組鏡頭的厚度(第七塊鏡片)。
Fujifilm XF 18mm F1.4 R LM WR Review | Amateur Photographer
2021年8月16日 · The Fujifilm XF 18mm F1.4 R LM WR is a great option for landscape and street photographers and also for videographers. With many smartphone manufacturers opting to use a 27mm focal length for their main cameras, it is become a more popular focal length over the last few years for all different styles and subjects.
Fujinon XF18mmF2 R Black : Camera Lenses - Amazon.com
2012年1月9日 · This highly portable, easy-to-handle wide-angle lens has a field of view equivalent to 27mm in the 35mm film format so it''s perfect for landscapes, general snapshots and by …