Tamiya TAM81353 Acrylic XF53, Flat Neutral Gray - amazon.com
Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. The paint covers well, flows smoothly and can be blended easily. Prior to curing, paint can be washed away with plain water.
- 评论数: 134
タミヤカラー XF-53 ニュートラルグレイ | タミヤ - TAMIYA
容量はたっぷり入った23mlビンと使いやすい10ml入りでビン(アクリル塗料ミニ)の2種類。 筆塗り、吹きつけ用のつや消し塗料です。 エナメルカラーの特長はムラの出にくさ。 ゆっく …
xf-53 neutral grey ★A shade great for depicting undersurfaces on U.S. Army aircraft. ★Contents: 10ml Tamiya Color Enamel Paints are used for brush or spray painting, and can be applied to almost any surface of wood, metal or plastic.
Acrylic Xf-53 Neutral Gray - Tamiya USA
Acrylic Xf-53 Neutral Gray Description Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or airbrushing.
Acrylic Mini XF53 Neutral Gray 1/3 oz - Hobbylinc
10ml Jar of Tamiya XF-53 Neutral Gray color Acrylic Flat (Matte) Paint. These handy paints for hobby use are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are completely safe. Can be used on most common model plastics such as styrol resin and styrofoam. Paint can be washed away with plain water if done prior to curing.
- 评论数: 4
Tamiya XF-53 Flat Neutral Grey Acrylic Paint (23ml) - HobbyTown
This Tamiya 23ml XF-53 Flat Neutral Grey Acrylic Paint is made from water-soluble acrylic resins and is excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics.
Acrylic XF53 Neutral Gray 3/4 oz - Hobbylinc
23ml Jar of Tamiya XF-53 Neutral Gray color Acrylic Flat (Matt) Paint. Can be used on styrol resins, styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. Covers well, flows smoothly with no blushing or fading, and can be blended easily. Tamiya make a great, user friendly paint for airbrushing. Good coverage and easy clean-up.
- 评论数: 24
Tamiya Acrylic XF53 Flat Neutral Gray TAM81353 Plastics Paint …
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- 评论数: 89
Tamiya Acrylic XF-53 Neutral Gray 23ml Bottle [TAM81353] Motion RC
Acrylic XF-53 Neutral Gray 23ml Bottle from Tamiya - TAM81353 Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics.
Neutral Grey 81353, XF-53 Acrylic Matt | Tamiya | 23ml
XF-53 (81353) Type: Acrylic Paints Finish: Matt Packaging: Bottle (23ml) Range: Tamiya Similar color chips