XGO 2, World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with An Arm
2024年5月9日 · XGO-Mini is raising funds for XGO 2, World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with An Arm on Kickstarter! Intelligent, agile, and open-sourced, XGO 2 brings the latest automated …
全球首款搭载机械臂桌面级机器狗!哈工大创业团队产品XGO 2回 …
2023年2月8日 · XGO 2的运动控制方案采用 基于机器动力学优化的运动学算法, 预先内置了三种不同的四足机器人步态,分别是Trot、Walk和High Walk,使得XGO 2可以轻松越过障碍。 总的来说,XGO 2延续并提升了第一代的四足运动能力,并且很好地支持了机械臂的运动控制,可以满足更复杂的移动操作动作应用需求。 除了机械臂和运动能力的提升, 在软件方面,XGO 2的AI模组也进行了全面升级, 可以更好地实现人脸检测,图像回传,语音识别,手势识别等AI任务, …
Luwu Dynamics XGO-Mini2 Review: Programmable Robotic Rover - WIRED
2023年6月17日 · Luwu Dynamics is clear that the XGO-Mini2 is more of a tool than a companion. Also, at $849, it is much more affordable and considerably more open to tinkering than Sony's $2,900 robot pet and...
XGO Mini 2 Quadruped Robot Dog - RobotShop
The XGO Mini2 Quadruped Robot Dog is a desktop-sized AI quadruped robot with 12 degrees of freedom and a gripper powered by Raspberry CM4 for AI edge computing applications, which can achieve omnidirectional movement, six-dimensional …
XGO-Rider, World’s First Desktop Wheel-Legged Robot with AI
XGO-Mini is raising funds for XGO-Rider, World’s First Desktop Wheel-Legged Robot with AI on Kickstarter! Desktop Two Wheel-Legged Robot | Omni Directional | Self-Balancing | Raspberry Pi | micro:bit | Powerful AI Features | Open-Sourced |
Discover the Top 5 Robot Dogs of 2024 - toolify.ai
2024年2月20日 · What sets the XG2 apart is its hackable and customizable nature. Powered by a Raspberry Pi, this robot dog provides endless opportunities for students to explore and experiment with coding and programming. With 12 degrees of freedom and an impressive gripper arm, the XG2 can pick up and manipulate objects with ease.
ROS组合导航笔记3:GPS导航_ros gps-CSDN博客
2024年9月17日 · 如你所见,我们正在加载一个新的参数文件,名为 robot_localization_with_gps.yaml Exercise 3.1 实现所有启动文件和配置文件,以便能够启动整个系统,并使 Summit XL 完全定位并能够自主导航。 它应该能够使用 RVIZ 中的 2D Pose 信号移动,就像在上一章中一样。 遵循的步骤:
The Top 5 Robot Dogs of 2024: Perfect Companions for Tech
XG2 is a desktop-sized robot dog specifically designed for AI and robotics education. It offers an exciting way for teenagers and young students to learn about programming and artificial intelligence. Powered by a Raspberry Pi, the XG2 is highly customizable and hackable.
XGT2 - 高减振能力橡胶型联轴器 - NBK - 产品中心 - 施麦柯传动技 …
汇总 可设定较高增益的XG2系列可将整定时间压缩至最短。 定位精度、重复定位精度、超调量不因联轴器而产生差异。 最终确认了XG2系列有助于缩短装置、设备的周期。