Prof. JING, Xingjian | Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. JING received his B.S. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, M.S. degree and PhD degree in Robotics from Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of …
Xingjian Jing - Google Scholar
PhD candidate at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, M.Sc. from Wuhan University of Technology. Vibration isolation by exploring bio-inspired structural nonlinearity.
Xingjian JING | Professor (Full) | PhD in Nonlinear Systems (U. of ...
The research topics of Prof. XJ Jing (景興建) include: (1) Nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain with a parametric characteristic approach; (2) Vibration control, sensors, …
Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Google Sites
The NDVC Lab aims at innovative application-oriented theory and methods for analysis, design, signal processing and control of complex nonlinear systems, and their applications in different...
Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Publications - Google Sites
2024年7月22日 · It is revealed for the first time that the bio-inspired X-shaped or limb-like structure can provide very beneficial nonlinear stiffness, damping and inertia characteristics …
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Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Group members - Google Sites
Prof Jing currently serves as Associate Editors of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, and IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics …
Xingjian Jing's lab | City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
The research topics of Prof. XJ Jing (景興建) include: (1) Nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain with a parametric characteristic approach; (2) Vibration control, sensors ...
Dr. Xingjian Jing | Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of ...
Dr. Xingjian Jing RIAIoT People. PolyU Scholars Hub Dr. Xingjian Jing. Associate Professor . Phone +852 2766 6680 stream AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform , AIoT Infrastructure …
Xingjian Jing (0000-0003-3498-2180) - ORCID
homepage of prof xj jing. city university of hong kong profile page. Other IDs. expand_less. ResearcherID: B-2120-2008. Scopus Author ID: 8861837700. Loop profile: 598538. ...