RF 315/433 MHz Transmitter-receiver Module and Arduino
VirtualWire is an Arduino library that provides features to send short messages, without addressing, retransmit or acknowledgment, a bit like UDP over wireless, using ASK (amplitude shift keying). Supports a number of inexpensive radio transmitters and receivers. First Download the library from Here .
RF 433MHz Transmitter/Receiver Module With Arduino
2019年1月19日 · In this section, we’ll build a simple example that sends a message from an Arduino to another Arduino board using 433 MHz. An Arduino board will be connected to a 433 MHz transmitter and will send the “Hello World!” message. The other Arduino board will be connected to a 433 MHz receiver to receive the messages.
433MHz RF module diferences : r/arduino - Reddit
Hello, I have bought two pairs of RF modules (MX-RM-5V and XLC-FST) for cheap from China. I have managed to succesfully transmit data, but only with one pair of those (on the right side). Then I realized, that although both are from the same store, it has some diferences.
FS1000A 433MHZ RF transmitter & XY-MK-5V Receiver Module …
2020年2月24日 · FS1000A (433 MHz/315 MHz/330 MHz RF Transmitter) & XY-MK-5V (433MHz/315MHz/330MHz RF Receiver) is a pair of low cost radio frequency module for one way wireless communication for arduino, raspberry pi and other platforms. This module is used by vast majority of electronics DIYers due to its low cost and easy implementation.
433m无线发射接收模块 - 百度百科
数据发射模块的 工作频率 为315M,采用声表谐振器SAW稳频, 频率稳定度 极高,当环境温度在-25~+85度之间变化时,频飘仅为3ppm/度。 特别适合多发一收无线遥控及 数据传输系统。 声表谐振器的 频率稳定度 仅次于晶体,而一般的LC振荡器 频率稳定度 及一致性较差,即使采用高品质微调电容,温差变化及振动也很难保证已调好的频点不会发生偏移。 发射模块未设编码集成电路,而增加了一只数据调制三极管Q1,这种结构使得它可以方便地和其它 固定编码 电路、 滚动 …
Arduino 315/330/433MHz Transmitter/Receiver (XD-FST/XD-RF …
2015年5月27日 · 433 MHZ (XD-FST and receiver): Can I use the receiver as a simple on/off switch?
433mhz Transmitter and receiver without library - Arduino Forum
2022年4月10日 · In this Arduino tutorial we will learn how to use the HC-12 wireless serial communication module which is capable of making a long range wireless communication between multiple Arduino boards, with distances up to 1.8km. For this tutorial I made two... Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++. Дайте миру шанс!
FS1000A无线发射模块5伏超外差发射头安防报警器智能电子产品改 …
fs1000a无线发射模块5伏超外差发射头安防智能电子产品改装 发射头技术参数 产品型号:xlc-fst 发射距离:20-200米(电压不同,效果不同) 工作电压:3.3-5.5v 外型尺寸:19*19mm 工作方式:am 传输速率:4kb/s 发射功率:10mw 发射频率:433.92mhz、315mhz(其他频率可定做 ...
Módulo Transmissor Rf 433Mhz Xlc-Fst Fs1000A
Com um design compacto e fácil de usar, o módulo transmissor RF 433MHz XLC-FST FS1000A é uma escolha excelente para projetos que necessitam de uma solução de comunicação sem fio eficiente e de alta qualidade.
- 评论数: 373
型号:xlc-fst. 发射距离: 50-200 米 工作电压: 5-12v . 外型尺寸: 19*19mm 工作电流: 10-15ma . 工作方式: am 传输速率: 4kb/s. 发射功率: 10mw . 发射频 率: 315mhz/433mhz(其他频率可以定做) 外接天线: 普 通单芯线(客户选择,需要加费)