With an electronically limited top speed of 210 km/h, the BRABUS 900 XLP is one of the fastest pickups in the world. The newly developed BRABUS stainless steel high-performance exhaust system with full carbon tailpipe trims, actively controlled valves and integrated launch ambience light provides the right acoustics and looks while perfecting ...
BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack - Supercars - Cars - BRABUS
Courtesy of the latest in high-end forging and machining technology, the BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack is equipped with 22-inch BRABUS Monoblock HD wheels. A matching black signature finish adds an exclusive touch of BRABUS typical styling, resulting in the perfect symbiosis of striking 1-Second-Wow elegance and heavy-duty dependability ...
BRABUS 900 XLP限量十台、售價兩千萬起,號稱最強皮卡
2022年5月16日 · BRABUS 900 XLP生產限量十輛,每輛價格約為658,625歐元,折合台幣2,000萬元,比起Brabus 800 Adventure XLP的389,831歐元起貴上許多。
BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack - Based on Mercedes-AMG G 63
2023年6月30日 · Six towering wheels propel the BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack forward with a force powerful enough to vanquish the elements. Each one a testament to the pick-up’s strength and uncompromising durability – developed to withstand every challenge your adventure may place in your way.
BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack 采用最新的高端锻造和加工技术,配备 22 英寸 BRABUS Monoblock HD 轮毂。 与之相匹配的黑色标志性饰面为 BRABUS 的典型风格增添了一抹独特的色彩,实现了 1 秒惊叹的优雅与随时随地的重型可靠性的完美结合。
【文章】巴博斯900XLP限量十台、售价两千万起,号称最强皮卡_ …
巴博斯此次将它命名为900 xlp,外观经过全面进化,大量使用碳纤维材质提升战斗气息,超高的离地高度以及强悍越野性能,毫不妥协的征服各种路况,最大马力从原本的800匹调升至900匹,最高速度达到210公里/小时,是全球最快的皮卡之一,限量生产十台。
博速 900 XLP皮卡正式发布,全球仅10台 - 什么值得买
2022年5月19日 · 动力搭载巴博斯品牌中号称最强的性能引擎,可提供高达900匹的最大马力,为了要达到900匹的性能目标,巴博斯通过将换上锻造活塞和高速平衡曲轴,并加长了100mm活动行程与对应连杆,让原本4.0升排量的V8引擎瞬间增加至4.5升。
BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack | 2023MY - Caricos.com
2023年7月4日 · With its BRABUS ROCKET 900 V8 Biturbo engine, the BRABUS XLP 900 6x6 Superblack accelerates from rest to 62 mph in just 5.2 seconds and hits a top speed of 130 mph, electronically limited due to its significant weight.
Brabus XLP 900 6x6 Superblack W463 specs, performance data ...
2023 Brabus XLP 900 6x6 Superblack specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures.
BRABUS XLP 900 Adventure - Luxury Cars Hamburg - Germany
The BRABUS XLP 900 Adventure is the ultimate luxury off-road pickup, featuring a 900 PS twin-turbo V8, custom off-road capabilities, and a one-of-ten exclusivity, making it a highly desirable collector's vehicle.