XM25 CDTE - Wikipedia
The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, [5] also known as the Punisher and Individual Semiautomatic Air Burst System was an airburst grenade launcher with programmable ammunition derived from the XM29 OICW.
XM25空爆弹发射器 - 百度百科
XM25空爆弹发射器(XM25 Air-Burst Assault Weapon)是一种武器,由ATK开发。 武器发射25毫米电子引信榴弹,可通过设定火控系统令引信榴弹在目标空中引爆,比传统榴弹有更大的范围杀伤力。
25 mm grenade - Wikipedia
Examples of weapons designed to launch 25 mm grenades are the experimental XM25, the Barrett XM109 payload rifle, and the XM307 ACSW. The original use for this round was for the OCSW, now known as the XM307 ACSW.
25毫米榴彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
25毫米榴彈 是一種為 XM29 理想單兵戰鬥武器 (英语:Objective Individual Combat Weapon) (OICW)項目而專門開發的新型軍用 炸藥 彈藥 口徑,被一部份目前仍在研發的現代 榴彈發射器 所使用,將會在 美國軍隊 內服役。 OICW從1990年代末到21世紀初是由 阿連特科技系統公司 (英语:Alliant Techsystems) (ATK)和 黑克勒-科赫 公司 聯合開發。 這種特殊榴彈的 彈道 軌跡 相對於以往廣泛使用的 40毫米榴彈 更為平坦,而且並要按照在OICW計劃中的要求,可以通過 …
XM25榴弹发射器—发展 (弹药部分) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年10月31日 · 原理上,25mm空爆榴弹主要的创新之处在于其中部安装的可编程电子引信,兼具空爆、碰炸、自毁三种功能。 现役的40mm榴弹大多采用机械式引信,只具有碰炸功能,若未能击中目标或其附近物体并成功引爆,则无法造成任何伤害。 考虑到现役40mm榴弹的弹道曲率很大,精度较差,射失概率比XM25大得多。 因此高速+空爆能有效提升命中率,进而弹药效率。 当需要空爆时,先由XM104识别距离,士兵根据实际战场情况 (例如掩体位置、目标分布)手动微调 …
武器科普:XM25 - 哔哩哔哩
XM25反防御目标应对系统(英语:XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System,简称:CDTE),前称:XM25单兵半自动空爆系统(英语:XM25 Individual Semiautomatic Air Burst System),也被称为“惩罚者”(英语:The Punisher),是由XM29 OICW衍生出来的空爆榴弹发 …
The developmental XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) is a shoulder-fired weapon designed to provide U.S. Soldiers with the capability of engaging targets under cover. Current cartridges include the XM1083 High Explosive Airburst (HEAB) and XM1081 Target Practice (TP) rounds.
XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS)
2011年7月7日 · The XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS), also known as the Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, and perviously referred to as the Air-Burst Assault Weapon or...
XM25 - Army Recognition
2024年12月7日 · The XM25 measures the distance to the enemy's protective barrier, and can then program the round to detonate a user-adjustable distance past that, allowing Soldiers to put an air-bursting round directly above the enemy's head, inside their protected area, even if they are behind a wall or inside a building.
XM25 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The XM25 is a magazine-fed semiautomatic grenade launcher with a 4 round magazine. Its main feature is the use of "smart" airbursting grenade rounds developed from the OICW program, which are designed to have greater lethality against troops in cover.