Introducing the MCX-SPEAR, the civilian version of the U.S. Army’s new XM7 rifle. The MCX-SPEAR is available in 7.62x51 and coming soon in 277 SIG Fury. The next generation has arrived.
Army finally picks an optic for Next Generation Squad Weapon
2022年1月7日 · An estimated 250,000 optics will be delivered over the next decade to close combat troops.
hot front sight assembly or muzzle. The kit includes one M-LOK Hand Stop, one M-LOK Index Panel, and one M-LOK Rail Cover Type 2 for the individual user to configure their kit as they desire.
Next Generation Squad Weapon and optic exceed soldiers’ …
2024年4月17日 · The XM7 is the Army’s replacement for the M4 while the XM250 will replace the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. Both new weapons are chambered in 6.8mm, a larger and more powerful round than the ...
XM7 rifle - Wikipedia
The XM7, previously designated as the XM5, is the U.S. Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear, a 6.8×51mm (.277 in), gas-operated, magazine-fed assault rifle [1] designed by SIG Sauer for the Next Generation Squad Weapon program in 2022 to replace the M4 carbine.
What troops really think of the Army’s new XM7 rifle - We Are The …
2024年9月25日 · Under the contract, SIG is supplying the Army with the new XM7 rifle and XM250 automatic rifle, both chambered in the new 6.8x51mm hybrid cartridge. The weapons were issued to infantry units including the 101st Airborne Division and received resounding praise.
XM7 NGSW-R MCX Spear - Army Recognition
The XM7 assault rifle, previously known as the XM5 is the United States Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear, a 6.8×51mm (.277 in), gas-operated, magazine-fed, assault rifle designed by firearms manufacturer SIG Sauer for the Next Generation Squad Weapon Program in 2022 to replace the U.S. army M4 carbine.
XM7 NGSW-R步 枪 - 枪炮世界
在2023年初美国陆军又宣布将XM5重新命名为XM7,据称是因为发现柯尔特公司已经注册了M5步枪,所以为了避免将来正式定型为M5步枪时出现混乱,所以决定重新命名。 但因为LWRC公司也注册了M6的商标,于是NGSW-R的新命名是XM7。 (感觉有点多余,注册M5商标跟军方定型M5并不冲突,反而是很多民用产品经常故意碰瓷军方型号。 在2022年时出现的一些XM5照片中发现护木形状有所修改,在2023年发布的一些试用照片中,又发现最新的XM7步枪取消了辅助 …
掌握未来之枪,解读SIG MCX Spear XM7中型口径突击步枪
2023年12月30日 · SIG MCX Spear XM7,作为下一代班用武器的代表,承载着推动步枪技术发展的伟大责任。 其出色的设计和强大的性能使其成为美军用户在追求军事级别火力的同时,注重 轻便和适应性的理想选择。
New Same As Old – Splendid Isolation
2025年2月19日 · “The XM7 with mounted XM157 demonstrated a low probability of completing one 72-hour wartime mission without incurring a critical failure.” On the positive side, the XM7 rifle itself, and its new ammo (6.8x51mm) was very much liked. That’s good. But a rifle without sights is useless (except at very close range).