XMP Tags - ExifTool
2025年2月7日 · The tables below list tags from the official XMP specification (with an underlined Namespace in the HTML version of this documentation), as well as extensions from various other sources. See http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/ for the official XMP specification.
<xmp> - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
2024年9月25日 · The <xmp> HTML element renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. The HTML2 specification recommended that it should be rendered wide enough to allow 80 characters per line.
html - What was the <XMP> tag used for? - Stack Overflow
2008年8月7日 · Probably best alternative is <textarea> tag. XMP is great for debugging raw html. A quick Google search on W3C reveals that XMP was introduced for displaying preformatted text in HTML 3.2 and earlier. When W3C deprecated the XMP tag, it suggested using the PRE tag as a preferred alternative.
HTML <xmp> Tag - W3docs
What is the characteristic of the HTML <xmp> tag? It's used for displaying preformatted text and tags. It's deprecated in HTML5. It allows the use of inline styles. Content placed inside the <xmp> tag does not need to be escaped. It automatically creates a hyperlink in the text. Quiz Time: Test Your Skills! Ready to challenge what you've learned?
XMP Tags - MIT
2007年9月24日 · XMP Tags. XMP stands for "Extensible Metadata Platform", an XML/RDF-based metadata format which is being pushed by Adobe. Information in this format can be embedded in many different image file types including JPG, JP2, TIFF, PNG, MIFF, PS, PDF, PSD and DNG. The XMP Tag ID's aren't listed because in most cases they are identical to the Tag Name.
Structured Information - ExifTool
In the XMP Tags documentation, flattened tags are indicated by an underline (_) after the Writable type. This page describes various techniques used to read and write XMP structures using both structured and flattened tags.
HTML <xmp> Tag - GeeksforGeeks
2019年8月27日 · The <xmp> tag is used to create any content as letter format. Any text content between this <xmp> tag will display as the user type in the code section, same width, same position ending everything will be displayed as a replica of typed format or style.
【图像处理】XMP Tags_extended metadata platform-CSDN博客
The tables below list tags from the official XMP specification (with an underlined Namespace in the HTML version of this documentation), as well as extensions from various other sources. See http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/ for the official XMP specification.
<xmp> - HTML:超文本標記語言 | MDN
<xmp> HTML 元素呈現開始和結束標籤之間的文本,而不解釋其中的 HTML,並使用等寬字體。 HTML2 規範建議應該以足夠寬的方式呈現,以允許每行 80 個字符。
Making Metadata Work - Tag That Photo
2019年10月2日 · The three formats include IPTC, EXIF, and XMP. IPTC and EXIF have been around the longest, while XMP is a relatively new standard and generally viewed as the future of metadata. Because many applications are unable to recognize XMP, image files still need to contain the IPTC and EXIF info.