Republic F-84 Thunderjet - Wikipedia
The Republic F-84 Thunderjet is an American turbojet fighter-bomber aircraft. Originating as a 1944 United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) proposal for a "day fighter", the F-84 first flew in 1946.
Republic XP-84 Thunderjet | This Day in Aviation
2025年2月28日 · The XP-84 had a cruise speed of 440 miles per hour (708 kilometers per hour) and maximum speed of 592 miles per hour (953 kilometers per hour). The service ceiling was 35,000 feet (10,668 meters), which it could reach in approximately 13 minutes. The maximum range was 1,300 miles (2,092 kilometers). Republic XP-84 Thunderjet 45-59475.
Republic F-84B 'Thunderjet' | Planes of Fame Air Museum
This plan was discarded in favor of an all-new, straight-wing, single-seat fighter-bomber designed around an axial flow turbojet. The resulting aircraft, designated XP-84, flew for the first time on February 28, 1946 from Muroc Army Air Field (later Edwards Air Force Base).
Accident Republic XF-84A Thunderjet 45-59476, Friday 23 April 1948
On September 8 1946, the second XP-84 set a US national airspeed record of 607.2 mph (527.6 kn; 977.2 km/h), but failed to match the world speed record of 612.2 mph (532.0 kn; 985.2 km/h) set the day before by a British Gloster Meteor.
Republic XP-84 Thunderjet - Joe Baugher
It was the first new American fighter to have its maiden flight after the end of World War II. In tests, the XP-84 achieved a maximum speed of 592 mph at sea level. Normal range was 1300 miles, and an altitude of 35,000 feet could be attained in 13 minutes. Weights were 9080 pounds empty, 13,400 pounds gross, and 16,200 pounds maximum.
Forgotten Jets (& Props) - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
Republic P/F-84 Thunderjet series (A to E) Last updated on: January 23, 2018 1,432 of these straight-wing fighter bombers were built in the 1940s and 50s, forming a large part of the US Air Force‘s inventory. It is important to note that this page is only for the F-84 models A through E.
Republic F-84 Thunderjet - AirVectors
On 11 November 1945, the US Army Air Forces (USAAF) awarded Republic a contract for three prototypes, plus a static-test airframe, with the designation of "XP-84". The first XP-84 "Thunderjet", as the type was known, performed its initial flight on 28 February 1946 from Muroc Air Base -- now Edwards Air Force Base -- in California, the pilot ...
Republic F-84G Thunderjet: Acing the straight-wing fighter-bomber
2019年7月26日 · The first Republic XP-84 prototype at the at Muroc Flight Test Base in California. The F-84 Thunderjet has a long, storied past, which began in October 1944 when Republic Aviation abandoned the idea of a jet engine in the P-47 Thunderbolt and set to work designing a single-engine, straight-wing jet fighter for the U.S. Army.
Republic XP-84 Thunderjet Forward Fuselage - Smithsonian Institution
The Republic Thunderjet/Thunderstreak/Thunderflash family of jet-powered fighter-bombers and reconnaissance planes was one of the most important of postwar combat aircraft, and equipped many allied and NATO air forces until the advent of supersonic aircraft. In tests, the XP-84 achieved a maximum speed of 592 mph at sea level.
名机鉴赏-F-84 - 哔哩哔哩
F-84战机是美国共和飞机公司与美国陆军航空队联合研制的一种飞机,因为二战后活塞式战斗机已经无法在进行迎接新一轮的主力空战,只能作为备用的二线飞机进行辅助支援工作! F-84F战机三视图. 说到这里不得不提F-84战机的发展史了,F-84战机是世界上第一种可以运载战术核武器的战斗机,而F-84战斗机的历史可以追溯到1944年共和飞机公司自行投资进行喷气式战斗机的研究,作为著名的P-47“雷电”的后继机。 最初,共和公司亚历山大·卡特维利领导的设计团队考虑直接 …