High resolution XPS spectrum of EuO films. (a) Eu 3d (b) Eu 4d.
Nanocrystalline textured EuO thin films are prepared by an oxygen loss process from a pure Eu2O3 bulk ceramic target through pulsed laser deposition in vacuum at room temperature. X-ray diffraction...
High-resolution Eu 3d and 4d XPS spectra of reference
We report an inverted and multilayer quantum dot light emitting diode (QLED) which boosts high efficiency by tuning energy band alignment between charge transport and light emitting layers.
NAP-XPS study of Eu3+ → Eu2+ and Ce4+ → Ce3 ... - ScienceDirect
2020年2月1日 · Eu 3+ → Eu 2+ and Ce 4+ → Ce 3+ reduction in Au/Ce 0.80 Eu 0.20 O 2 catalyst were systematically studied using in-situ NAP-XPS technique. The reduction of Eu 3+ → Eu 2+ in the ceria, in a hydrogen atmosphere at temperature ≥ 400 …
XPS study of Eu(III) coordination compounds: Core levels binding ...
2006年1月1日 · Eu 3d core-level XPS spectra of EuAg 5, EuPd 2 P 2 and EuCu 5 are reported to show two peaks corresponding to a rearrangement of the 4f-subshells electronic occupation after photoionization; in these compounds europium is exclusively divalent as indicated by Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility measurements [8], [9], [10], [11 ...
Normalized XPS spectra of (a) Eu3d 5/2 orbital and (b) Eu4d orbital
The Eu3d 5/2 spectra show peaks at around 1135 eV and 1125 eV. The Eu4d spectra show broad peaks at around 128 eV as well as shoulders at around 136 eV, both of which are lower than the Zn3s...
A detailed XPS study of the rare earth compounds EuS and EuF
1995年9月14日 · The Eu3d spectra were not employed because the large binding energy differ- ence between Eu3d and the other regions is thought to give unrealistic values [14]. A strong difference in oxidation behaviour can be deduced from the depth profiles: EuF3 (Eu3+) seems far more stable than EuS (Eu2+) with respect to oxygen.
稀土化合物 EuS 和 EuF3 的详细 XPS 研究,Journal of Electron …
1995年9月1日 · 摘要 Eus 和 EuF 3 粉末样品已成为广泛 XPS 研究的主题。 对于这两种化合物,研究了 Eu 的价态及其稳定性,包括 X 射线剂量、XPS 环境 (UHV) 下的总曝光时间和 XPS 溅射时间。
Eu 3d 3/2 and 3d 5/2 XPS peaks are shown as a function
Eu 3d 3/2 and 3d 5/2 XPS peaks are shown as a function of Eu content in at %. The position of all prominent peaks are indicated in the figure in terms of their absolute binding energy in eV....
Eu(III) 配位化合物的 XPS 研究:固体混合氧代化合物 EumXxOy 中 …
本文报告了铕 (III) 化合物的 XPS 结合能数据库,其中 Eu 阳离子具有多种化学环境:简单氧化物 Eu2O3、Eu 与有机草酸盐、乙酰丙酮化物或无机硫酸盐、硝酸盐、碳酸盐配体的混合氧化物。
Europium (III) functionalized 3D covalent organic framework …
2020年4月15日 · The resulting Eu-3D-COF exhibited superior adsorption affinity to carbonyl-contained multi-ring quinones, which was proved to be associated with π-π interaction, coordination, hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions based on the selectivity evaluation, XPS and FTIR characterizations, and hydrophobicity index measurement.