相比 XR8 Pro G2 电调,长度短 1.3mm 、宽度窄 5.3mm (总面积减少约 15%) ,但最大持续输出电流高达 200A , 外加全程有感驱动模式,不但具有强劲的爆发力及超大的输出功率, 同时具有极佳的低速线性,轻松满足 1/8 高端竞赛应用需求。
Hobbywing XR8 PLUS | 3D CAD Model Library | GrabCAD
2018年5月8日 · The GrabCAD Library offers millions of free CAD designs, CAD files, and 3D models. Join the GrabCAD Community today to gain access and download!
Image Targets - 8th Wall
Upload Flat Image Target: Drag your image (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) into the upload panel, or click within the dotted region and use your file browser to select your image. Set Tracking Region (and Orientation): Use the slider to set the region of the image that will be used to detect and track your target within the WebAR experience.
风扇被小石头、沙子等异物撞击造成的扇叶损坏,大大减少风扇的不良率。 最高车速可提升50%,轻松超越对手。 有效解决了因反接电池而导致的电调损坏。 简单方便,满足各种公发竞赛限速需求。 使用手机App进行参数设置,数据读取,固件升级等操作,简单方便。 轻松获取电调及电机运行状态。 注意:因蓝牙传输距离原因,有效距离只有5m左右! 柔化、Boost/Turbo进角等,可精准调节动力需求,让玩家享受极致的操控体验。 警告:请认真查看电调说明书,错误 …
XR8 PRO G3 Combo - 1/10 SCT Powertrain system
1/10 Short course truck,Monster truck What is inside the combo? (1) XeRun XR8 PRO G3 ESC (1) XeRun SD brushless motor of your choice Learn more about XR8 PRO G3 system >
meet the needs and demands of various competitions in the world. It can be programmed through using the latest OTA Bluetooth module or the traditional 3in1 program box. parameters, upgrade firmware and heck relevant data of the ESC. OTA Module. voltage, current, temperature, RPM and other data in real-time. Easy.
Ford BA Falcon XR8 Ute - 3D Model Database
...ed 3d model of ford falcon (fg) xr8 2015 in various file formats. all our 3d models were created maximally close to the original. ...you need to make adjustments. if you have any questions, …
Hobbywing Xerun XR8 SCT 1/8 Sensored Brushless ESC
The Hobbywing XR8 SCT is the first 1/8 scale competition ESC which can work the full-sensored mode at all times when paired with a Hobbywing matching motor. Perfect for 1/10 4WD Short Course Truck, Monster Trucks and of course 1/8th scale, the XR8 SCT ESC boasts full sensored operation, 140A output, electronic switch, 6V/7.4V switchable BEC and ...
Hobbywing Xerun XR8 Plus G2S Brushless ESC/4268SD G3 Motor …
The Hobbywing Xerun XR8 Plus G2S 1/8 Competition Sensored Brushless ESC is the next level in 1/8 competition ESC's. Advancements have been made allowing this ESC to support 48° of boost and turbo timing. Pair this ESC with the included 4268SD G3 motor for extreme performance. Excellent 8th scale Motor-ESC combo!
8th Wall AR camera + Fluid Renderer issues - Babylon.js
2024年5月24日 · Has anyone tried using fluid effects with AR using 8th Wall? 8th Wall uses FreeCamera but then adds its own behaviour that utilises the device camera like this: camera.addBehavior(XR8.Babylonjs.xrCameraBehavior()) I can enableFluidRenderer() but as soon as I addParticleSystem to that renderer the 8th Wall camera goes blank.
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