Yamaha XT660R - Wikipedia
It is a development of the original XT series ('X' stands for 4 strokes, 'T' for TRAIL), a line of motorcycles inspired by those used on the Paris Dakar rally. The first XT was released in 1976. The XT660R is the standard Enduro model ('R' stands for racing).
YAMAHA XT660R (2004-2017) Review | Speed, Specs & Prices - Motorcycle News
2025年2月7日 · Yamaha XT660X (XT660R specs below): 17-inch Excel rims, 320mm front disc, 177kg, 875mm seat height. 20 owners have reviewed their YAMAHA XT660R (2004 - 2017) and rated it in a number of areas....
Yamaha XT660R - Specs, Top Speed, Horsepower ⏲️
The Yamaha XT660R is a 659cc dual-sport bike. Its 4-stroke single cylinder engine has a power output of 35 kW and torque output of 44 ft-lb. The maximum speed of the Yamaha XT660R motorcycle is around 98 mph (157 km/h). Its horsepower is approximately 47 bhp. The Yamaha XT660R weighs around 177 kg (390 lbs). Its seat height is 875 mm (34.4 inches).
2025年2月5日 · 雅马哈2014款XT660R搭载了一台660cc的四冲程单缸水冷发动机,采用OHC顶置凸轮轴设计,最大功率为65马力(约48千瓦),峰值扭矩为55牛·米。 这款发动机不仅动力强劲,而且燃油经济性良好,适合长途骑行和日常通勤。
雅马哈2014款XT660R是一款经典的摩托车 - 什么值得买
2025年1月16日 · 雅马哈2014款XT660R是一款专为海外市场设计的摩托车,搭载了一台660cc的四冲程单缸水冷发动机,采用OHC(凸轮轴顶置)设计,最大功率为65马力,最大扭矩为55牛米。
Yamaha XT660R Review - Mad or Nomad
2024年12月28日 · The Yamaha XT660R is a proper travel bike. It’s not built to knock your socks off, it’s built to get you round the world. That’s not to say it’s boring – you can have a blast on the XT and there’s plenty of power in that 660cc single-cylinder to fly down gravel tracks, and there’s enough oomph to get you out of trouble too if you ...
雅马哈 YamahaXT660R摩托车完整车辆配置参数信息-两轮视界
两轮视界提供车雅马哈 YamahaXT660R摩托车最新的真实参数配置,选配,视频,高清图片,报价,经销商销售价格,以及保养,购买指南以及资讯评测文章等内容,为你了解雅马哈 YamahaXT660R的有价值参考信息。
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Yamaha XT660R - Precio, ficha técnica, opiniones y ofertas
La Yamaha XT660R es una de las motos trail clásicas por excelencia, una digna sucesora de la saga XT600 que a día de hoy suscita mucho interés entre los aficionados por su versatilidad y fiabiliad. Se puso en el mercado en 2004, siendo la de 2011 la última versión, pero en todos esos años no sufrió más cambios que los estéticos.