Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based GLP-1 analog with long …
2019年9月9日 · Using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as a model, two new long-lasting GLP-1 analogs (termed XTS1 and XTS2) containing an albumin-binding domain, a protease-cleavable linker and a mutated GLP-1(A8Aib) were designed to demonstrate the sustained release of GLP-1 due to the plasma thrombin (TBN) digestion.
Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based GLP-1 analog
2019年9月27日 · Using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as a model, two new long-lasting GLP-1 analogs (termed XTS1 and XTS2) containing an albumin-binding domain, a protease-cleavable linker and a mutated GLP-1 (A8Aib) were designed to demonstrate the sustained release of GLP-1 due to the plasma thrombin (TBN) digestion.
Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based GLP-1 analog with long …
Here, we designed an improved small albumin-binding polypeptide that can associate with human serum albumin (HSA) and liberate the bioactive peptide. Using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as a model, two new long-lasting GLP-1 analogs (termed XTS1 and XTS2) con
多肽药物开发:Biacore 助力糖尿病新药研究_半衰期 - 搜狐
2019年10月18日 · 研究者构建了两个新的多肽 XTS1 和 XTS2,即在 GLP-1(8A8ib)的 N 端通过一个可被凝血酶(TBN)切割的 linker 连接了由 39 个氨基酸组成的白蛋白结合域(Albumin binding domain,ABD),该结合域由两个独立的已知白蛋白结构域 SEQ1 和 SEQ2 组成(图 …
(PDF) Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based GLP-1
2019年9月26日 · The mass spectrometric profiles also shows for the hydrolysis of XTS1 at 2 h (B) and 72 h (C) or XTS2 at 2 h (D) and 72 h (E) by TBN. Peak 1, 2 and 3 refer to XTS polypeptide, ABD + linker and...
人血清白蛋白(human serum albumin, HSA)融合技术是指利用基因工程技术,将目的蛋白基因与HSA基因融合后,选择合适的系统进行表达,最终获得半衰期更长的药物。 HSA 是由585个氨基酸残疫原性问题,以及生产过程中的病毒感染等问题,基组成的蛋白质,相对分子质量约为产生了不可估量的社会效益和经济效益。 但是,很. 是血浆的主要成分,也是许多内源因子和外源药物多重组蛋白质/多肽类药物在临床应用上仍存在着半衰期短、生物利用度差等问题。 临床上使用的细胞因子 …
10.1039/C9RA06771J | Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based …
Using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as a model, two new long-lasting GLP-1 analogs (termed XTS1 and XTS2) containing an albumin-binding domain, a protease-cleavable linker and a mutated GLP-1(A8Aib) were designed to demonstrate the sustained release of GLP-1 due to the plasma thrombin (TBN) digestion.
Degradation profiles of XTS1 and XTS2 under incubation
Degradation profiles of XTS1 and XTS2 under incubation in human plasma without (A) or with (B) serum albumin. All data are expressed as mean AE SD (n ¼ 5).
Engineering an enhanced thrombin-based GLP-1 analog with long …
2019年9月27日 · Using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as a model, two new long-lasting GLP-1 analogs (termed XTS1 and XTS2) containing an albumin-binding domain, a protease-cleavable linker and a mutated GLP-1(A8Aib) were designed to demonstrate the sustained release of GLP-1 due to the plasma thrombin (TBN) digestion.
SPR measurements of binding affinity of (A) XTS1 and (B
In this study, XTS1 not only displayed the higher albumin-binding affinity, but also possessed the better plasma stability than XTS2, both of which were important for the achievement of prolonged...