XV-01 Chassis - TAMIYA
The XV-01 chassis offers exciting R/C driving action on both tarmac and gravel surfaces. It features a front-motor, belt-driven 4WD layout with the gearboxes, drive belt, battery, and R/C unit areas protected by covers against dirt and debris.
疫情憋在家,弃坑多年重新入模,XV01装车作业! - RCFans
心情玩家—XV-01全OP装车分享,多图! - RCFans
这次就从心仪已久的XV01开始,分享一份装车作业留作纪念。 不喜勿喷! 钛螺丝升级,直接规避掉十字! 轻量化金属接杯,可以用M07的差速OP完美契合。 TRF防漏O圈,配AM绿油处理。 (貌似涂多了) 差速器搞定。 全车轴承均使用TRF玻纤防尘轴承,香就完了… 大齿传动轴5mm规格垫片0.2mm*2。 皮带轮轴6mm规格垫片0.2mm*1、4mm规格垫片0.2mm*1。 皮带轮c卡下0.2mm*1。 差速垫片0.2mm*1。 皮带轮轴6mm规格垫片0.2mm*1、4mm规格垫片 0.2mm*1 …
XV-01 - Tamiya chassis database - TamiyaBase.com
The XV-01 chassis offers exciting R/C driving action on both tarmac and gravel surfaces. It features a front-motor, belt-driven 4WD layout with the gearboxes, drive belt, battery, and R/C unit areas protected by covers against dirt and debris.
Rc Xv-01 Pro Chassis Kit - Tamiya USA
Cross Into the Rally World The XV-01 is a crossover chassis which has been designed to offer dynamic R/C driving on both tarmac and gravel surfaces. It features a front-motor, belt-driven 4WD layout with the gearboxes, drive belt, battery, and R/C unit areas protected by covers against dirt and debris.
TAMIYA XV-01 PRO 八顆電池後心得-電動汔車-台灣遙控模型 …
無奈之下轉看另外一台評價不是很好的1/10拉力車XV-01 PRO, 之前有玩過便宜RTR小油房車而已,對那引擎聲實在很上癮。 不過都沒玩過電車 (mini-z那麼小台應該不算吧),想說玩看看電車好了。 不過裝車時也才知道為啥TAMIYA是塑膠騙錢車一打開,挖~真他馬的看到都塑膠件,要我花那麼多錢。 後來打開小零件包才看到有不少的小金屬件,不過第一次玩不知道金屬件的效用在哪,反正就先裝一裝玩看看了。 第一次裝車真的蠻好玩的,個人感覺裝車比玩車有趣吧~XD。 …
Amazon.com: TAMIYA Subaru Impreza 4 Wheel Drive WRX STi …
XV-01 Chassis: The XV-01 chassis offers exciting R/C driving action on both tarmac and gravel surfaces. It features a front-motor, belt-driven 4WD layout with the gearboxes, drive belt, battery, and R/C unit areas protected by covers against dirt and debris.
Rc Subaru Xv Xv-01 / Tamiya USA
This is a R/C model assembly kit of the XV, a car Subaru introduced to the crossover SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) market in September 2012. The polycarbonate body accurately reproduces the car's stylish form, including the distinctive indentations on the bonnet and the raised area that stretches from the nose to the tail.
Tamiya 300058569-1:10 RC XV-01 Lancia Delta HF Integrale
2013年8月28日 · Buy Tamiya 300058569-1:10 RC XV-01 Lancia Delta HF Integrale: Cars - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
Tamiya XV-01 Chassis Kit Long Damper Spec / Tamiya USA
The 4WD XV-01 chassis offers dynamic R/C rally driving on both tarmac and gravel surfaces. It features a front-motor, belt-driven 4WD layout with front and rear enclosed gearboxes equipped with gear differential units that utilize fluid to control differential action.