XWIS - Command & Conquer Online
XWIS is the official server for several Westwood Studios games: Tiberian Dawn & Covert Operations Red Alert, Counterstrike & Aftermath Tiberian Sun & Firestorm Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Renegade; Dune 2000 Emperor: Battle for Dune; Nox. Ladders for Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge are available. How to play Tiberian Sun or Red ...
2025年3月10日 · Find news and events by XWIS and from around the C&C community. October, November and Decem... Need help with C&C? Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, and Yuri's Revenge are fully supported. Just joined? The community awaits your C&C bio and ANY questions you may have. Are you a new Player? Intro... Report cheaters following these guidelines.
红警怎么使用网络网际XWIS(XCL)平台 - 哔哩哔哩
XWIS是红警内置的对战平台,无需下载第三平台(如CNCnet、Ra2ol),XWSI并不官方服。1998年8月17日EA收购Westwood,虽手握 “servserv.westwood.com”这一地址,但XWIS早期为西木提供服务的原因,导致现在游戏在DNS重新定向时,将域名解析为XWIS的IP地址 。
现在,还有红警II的免费对战平台吗? - 知乎
2022年1月8日 · 此外,还有老牌的xwis平台(也叫xcl平台),这个是最早的红警2天梯,也是在cnc出来之前最权威的排名,但是现在没什么人在上面玩了,虽然还开着,但是和死了也没什么区别。
XWIS - Command & Conquer Wiki - covering Tiberium, Red …
XWIS (short for XCC WOL IRC Server) is a community-run multiplayer service which allows people to play Westwood Studios' titles online. It is an imitation of the original Westwood Online server and was shifted to community control by Electronic Arts in 2005.
XWIS - XCC Home Page by Olaf van der Spek
2018年10月1日 · XWIS is a community server created by Olaf van der Spek for several Westwood Studios games. XWIS and XCL now have their own domain: http://xwis.net/ XWIS supports these games: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn & Covert Operations Command & Conquer: Red Alert, CounterStrike & AfterMath Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun & FireStorm
How to Play - Support - XWIS
2010年5月28日 · Log into your XWIS Game Account, add a RA2 serial and create a RA2 nick. Start the game as administrator. Click Internet. Click Custom Match. Enter XWIS nick and password. Enjoy! Edited by Olaf, 01 December 2018 - 07:18 AM.
Xwis是官方认定的服务器,是唯一支持战绩排名的;浩方是目前知道唯一支持尤里;欧洲服务器是新开发的,前端时间刚测试过,速度还不错,可惜人少;可以作为挤不进冰天雪地的替补平台;登录方法很简单只要下载一个补丁,安装上就可以直接进去玩;但置换 ...
2025年2月12日 · xwis平台是一个国外红警对战平台,常举行一些国际化的红警比赛,而xwis平台的游戏规则也有一些与国内红警界迥然不同,比如说不能压矿厂、重工,禁止工程师偷建筑,禁止咬工程师,冰天不拉中等等,下面一起来了解下吧。
红色警戒2心灵终结3.0(如何联机)联机教程 (2)-红警之家
xwis是官方为提供红色警戒2与尤里的复仇的多人游戏所提供的平台。 如果你想用XWIS执行在线游戏,你需要在它的网站上注册一个帐号,登录到游戏帐号并创建一个对应正版红色警戒2序列号的昵称。