Living with Klinefelter Syndrome, Trisomy X, and 47,XYY: A guide …
2012年3月1日 · This is simply an outstanding book for anyone dealing with XXY, XYY or Triple X. Excellent explanations, very thorough presentation of possible challenges and …
- 4.8/5(38)
Living with Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) Trisomy X (47,XXX) …
2012年10月12日 · This comprehensive guide to X and Y chromosome aneuploidy is written in lay language, providing an authoritative volume that explains X and Y chromosome variations in …
- 4.5/5(26)
What is Klinefelter Syndrome? And How To Manage Life with XXY
2025年1月18日 · In this book, you will discover: An in-depth explanation of Klinefelter syndrome (XXY): Learn about its genetic causes, symptoms, and impact on physical, cognitive, and …
克氏综合征 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克氏症候群 (英語: Klinefelter's syndrome)或称 XXY 、 47XXY症候群,俗称 次雄性 症候群,是由於男性有两条或两条以上的 X染色体 所致的疾病。 该疾病的主要特徵為 不育 [1]。 通 …
The Focus Foundation - X & Y Chromosomal Disorders
Dr. Carole Samango-Sprouse and Dr. Andrea Gropman, have published a book presenting the latest in research and clinical care and addressing neurodevelopment in children with X and Y …
Living With My X: The True Story of One Man and a Rogue…
2010年6月1日 · Living with my X is a unique and deeply personal account of a man living in the shadow of a genetic condition that is less rare than one thinks. Between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1 …
Books - The Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations
Living with Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) Trisomy X (47, XXX) and 47, XYY: A Guide for Families and Individuals Affected by Extra X and Y Chromosome. Thanks to the generosity of …
Chapter 135: 47,XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome) - McGraw Hill Medical
Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY karyotype) is the spectrum of phenotypic features resulting from a sex chromosome complement that includes two or more X chromosomes and one Y …
Resource Library - Australian X & Y Spectrum Support (AXYS)
Gregory and His Extra X (XXY) Book. The story explores the genetics of XXY and addresses social, academic and medical aspects of this condition in an age-appropriate, fun way. Boys …
47,XXY, also known as Klinefelter syndrome, is the name of something called a genetic condition. In Klinefelter syndrome, which is easier to say as “KS”, a boy has an extra “X message” in …