3D Calculator - GeoGebra
Free online 3D grapher from GeoGebra: graph 3D functions, plot surfaces, construct solids and much more!
3D Graphing Calculator - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
How to graph XYZ data in 3D inside Microsoft Excel
Learn how you can easily graph XYZ data in 3D inside Excel! Graph X Y Z values in 3D with MESH, 3D Line Graph, 3D Spline, 3D Scatter Charts with rotations!
Math3d: Online 3d Graphing Calculator
An interactive 3D graphing calculator in your browser. Draw, animate, and share surfaces, curves, points, lines, and vectors.
Mathpix • 3D Grapher
Free 3D grapher from Mathpix: interactive 3D grapher for math equations
Getting Started: Desmos 3D - Desmos Help Center
2024年11月12日 · By default, the 3D cube is rotated slightly so you can see two of its sides, and the \(XY\) plane is tilted to face you. Try graphing a point like \((0,1,2)\) or a plane like \(z=3\). You can click and drag to rotate the cube. If you click, drag, and then release the cube while your cursor is still in motion, the graph will continue to rotate.
XYZ 3-D Mesh Surface Plotter - XGRAPH
XYZ-Plot is a general purpose 3D-data plotter that displays three-dimensional data as a 3-D mesh surface-plot. XYZ-Plot provides interactive buttons for rotating the viewing perspective, printing, and selecting other display options.
Create an XYZ Axis Graph (3D cartesian plot) chart app
What is an XYZ axis graph? An XYZ-axis graph allows you to plot points, lines, and surfaces in three dimensions. These dimensions are identified as axes, and data points are positioned anywhere along these XYZ axes: The X-axis: Typically runs horizontally. Y-axis: Usually, vertical. Z-axis: works of the depth, perpendicular to both X and Y axes.
3D Vector Plotter | Academo.org - Free, interactive, education.
The demo above allows you to enter up to three vectors in the form (x,y,z). Clicking the draw button will then display the vectors on the diagram (the scale of the diagram will automatically adjust to fit the magnitude of the vectors). You can drag the diagram around and zoom in or out by scrolling with the mouse.
X, Y and Z - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.