Xanax: the drug that defined the decade and changed rap
2019年12月17日 · Perhaps, therefore, it was inevitable that a genre like rap, which is built on artists exorcising their demons and cathartically sharing their inner turmoil, would eventually …
为什么Xanax在美国比毒品还受欢迎? - 知乎专栏
Xanax:处方药流行病核心的安静杀手. Xanax(通用名阿普唑仑),它是一种强效的轻微镇静剂,属于一类名为苯二氮卓类药物,是一种用于治疗各种焦虑症的精神药物。它以商品名Xanax …
Drugs In Hip-Hop: A 30-Year Analysis - Genius
2016年4月1日 · Over the last 30 years, rappers have mentioned, paid homage to, and warned against the pitfalls of drugs, from lean to Xanax. We used the Genius lyrics database to track …
"25 Rap Songs That Reference Xanax" - BenzoBuddies
2019年2月3日 · This morning on CBC Radio, I heard an interview with a media expert who mentioned that Xanax is one of the top name-brand items mentioned in music these days. It's …
Xanax与新时代嘻哈音乐的联系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
从2010年左右的嘻哈音乐中,服用处方药如Xanax、 奥施康定 、苯二氮平类药物、MDMA以及Purple Drink已经成为他们在音乐,MV还有社交媒体中频繁赞美的对象了(尤其在这几年里, …
Xanax、颓废与眼泪、罂粟摇曳——丧文化温床Emo Rap - 知乎
它用一种满溢绝望的唱腔,配上旋律单调(多为相同节拍的简单重复)、氛围暗黑的beat与充斥了药物、破碎的爱情、自怨自怜等元素的歌词,将这种饱含了 丧与绝望 的情绪传达得淋漓尽致 …
Future - XanaX Damage (Official Music Video) - YouTube
2019年6月11日 · SAVE ME available at https://smarturl.it/SAVEME.FutureDirector: Henri Alexander Levy Producer: Todd H. BlumbergProduction Co: ERD ProductionsFuture online:ht...
XANAX RAP: How did an anti-anxiety medication become the drug …
2018年4月18日 · Friday night at the Highline Ballroom, baby-faced rapper Lil Xan led a sold-out crowd of mostly teenage fans as they chanted the chorus to his hit anti-Xanax anthem …
How SoundCloud Rappers and Xanax Influenced Fashion - VICE
2018年4月3日 · While not every Soundcloud rapper is into Xanax, and not every kid who takes Xanax is into Soundcloud rap, there is a relationship between them that is manifesting itself …
Xanax – Rap Dictionary
Xanax (slang) Type: noun, slang. Pronunciation: /zan-ex/ Related: Xan, Xanny, X. What does Xanax mean? A prescription drug to help you relax. Xanax Synonyms: Xan, Xanny, X. …