GitHub - xlaming/xat: All in one ready to use in your application xat …
It allows you to access a lot of hidden features in xat; It may be used by developers to help their projects; It is only connected to official xat files, not external; It is fully safe;
AllPowers - xat wiki
AllPowers currently contains 191 powers, which may take some work for you to keep track of if you're going to purchase them individually. You can click on "Standard" on the xat store page …
Default avatars - xat wiki
Default avatars (sometimes referred to as toon avatars) are avatars that are provided by xat that can be used by all users. They can be used by entering the respective number of the avatar …
[TOOL] V4.0.3-xdaAutoTool ALL-Win - XDA Forums
2011年4月27日 · - All the dependency file list are inside the docs folder (docs/xdaAutoTool.xml) - This means i used mainly files in your Windows 7 system to run it without installation - Installer …
Allpowers 2020 Update! - General Discussion - xat Forum
2020年7月28日 · Ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce that xat has updated its Allpowers collection. You now need 191 powers to complete the Allpowers set. Below you can …
create a xat group. Your own xat group could be for particular subject (e.g. music, anime, video games), for the visitors to your site or just for you and your friends. You can use it on xat or …
Kickall - xat wiki
2021年7月14日 · This power allows you to kick all guests in your chat. To use, type /ka (kicks all unregistered guests). Specific options are: r: Kick registered guests too; m: Kick only if the …
[FREE] xat graphic resources - Graphics - xat Forum
2018年2月12日 · All the xat resources posted here were created by iSanty (388822204) from [0%], you may use them however you want, you may not resell or redistribute anything here …
All Activity - xat Forum
beaver (ID 721) Beaver will be a LIMITED power, so act fast before it chews through the xat store and disappears. The power will go under testing phases for now in order to be released later.
XAT General Knowledge section consists of questions based on Static GK as well as recent current affairs based on Science, Technology, Economics, Organisations, Business among …