GitHub - Etheirys/XAT: The XIV Animation Toolkit
XAT or, more formally titled, The XIV Animation Toolkit, is a standalone tool for manipulating animations and skeletons in Final Fantasy XIV. It provides various techniques to export, import, compress and bind animations to and from a variety of formats.
XAT/README.md at main · Etheirys/XAT · GitHub
XAT or, more formally titled, The XIV Animation Toolkit, is a standalone tool for manipulating animations and skeletons in Final Fantasy XIV. It provides various techniques to export, import, compress and bind animations to and from a variety of formats.
下了一个舞蹈的mod..大佬,能问一下这个XAT的全称吗回复 寥若☆晨星 :就叫XAT下载了xat,为什么导入不了?
XAT - XIV Modding
Books MMD to FFXIV Guide Chapter 4: Importing A... XAT. In the Load/Save section, in the PAP path field, click on the paper icon to locate your base/clean .pap file. I have one included …
Sins - xat wiki
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How to make your own xatframe with Github - xat Forum
2020年7月20日 · After creating a HTML file or make an update on a file, it can take up to 5 minutes until it becomes live on the Github page. With this link we go to our xat and place it in the appearance area in the xatframe box and proceed to save.
GitHub - xlaming/xat: All in one ready to use in your application xat ...
It allows you to access a lot of hidden features in xat; It may be used by developers to help their projects; It is only connected to official xat files, not external; It is fully safe;
xat wiki
New year, new xat! Run the latest xat chat mobile version like a native app with the Progressive Web App!
Link - xat wiki
Link is a group power that allows you to add custom links to your chat group. First, assign the power to your chat. Then, click the "edit" button next to the Link description in your group settings. This will lead to a links manager application for you to easily add or edit links: The left column is the name of the link you wish to display.
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xat,我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。