Convair NB-36H - Wikipedia
The Convair NB-36H was an experimental aircraft that carried a nuclear reactor to test its protective radiation shielding for the crew, but did not use it to power the aircraft. Nicknamed "The Crusader", [1] it was created for the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion program (ANP for short), to show the feasibility of a nuclear-powered bomber. [2] .
Convair NB-36H Nuclear-Powered Bomber - The Armory Life
2025年3月1日 · A Convair NB-36H Peacemaker test flight with a Boeing B-50 Superfortress chase plane. This plane was modified to carry a three megawatt, air-cooled nuclear reactor in its bomb bay. Image: U.S. Air Force. Yet, even as two cities were almost completely destroyed, there was a time after World War II when nuclear power was seen as a miracle energy ...
NB-36 Crusader:美国的大型核动力轰炸机 - 百家号
2022年3月10日 · 推动大型 B-36 穿越大西洋的是六台 Pratt & Whitney 3600 hp、R4360-53 径向活塞发动机与四台通用电气 13,500 磅推力 J47-19 涡轮喷气发动机的责任。 径向活塞发动机和涡轮喷气发动机的结合使其最高时速达到 435 英里,并具有上述惊人的航程和有效载荷能力。 但俄罗斯在 1949 年的第一次原子弹试验引起了美国的注意。 它不再是前四年无可争议的核重量级人物。 美国需要一种强大且引人注目的新武器,以确保其对苏联和任何其他潜在威胁的统治。 正是 …
聊聊NB-36:照着字母念就可以,别想多了 - 哔哩哔哩
真•飞行的载人核弹——美国康维尔NB-36H核动力轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
NB-36H是一型载有核反应堆的实验飞机,它的绰号为“十字军战士”。 NB-36H的出现是为飞机核推进计划(ANP)的试验而创建的,用来展示核动力轰炸机的可行性。 它的发展随着ANP计划的取消而结束。 战后,美国在核能航空应用领域主要推进两个计划的研究与试验,即ANP与NEPA计划。 飞机核推进Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion(ANP)计划和先前的飞机核能推进Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft(NEPA)项目致力于开发飞机的核推进系统。 1946年5月28日,美国陆 …
Convair XB-36H Nuclear Test Aircraft | This Day in Aviation
2024年7月20日 · The Nuclear Test Aircraft was built from a Convair B-36H-20-CF Peacemaker strategic bomber, one of 61 that had been destroyed or damaged by a tornado that struck Carswell AFB in 1952. 51-5712 was so heavily damaged that the airframe was written off, but it was rebuilt with a completely new nose section with a shielded cockpit, and was otherwise ...
X-6試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
根据nb-36h计划的结果,人们终止了整个核子动力飞机计划,当然也包括x-6计划。 主要原因是 洲际弹道导弹 的快速发展取代了对远程轰炸机的需求。 1960年代, 苏联 的 图波列夫 设计局使用 图-119 进行了相似的试验,这种飞机是由一架 图-95 式 轰炸机 加装一个 ...
Warplanes of the USA: Convair NB-36H Peacemaker
The Convair NB-36H was an experimental aircraft that carried a nuclear reactor to test its protective radiation shielding for the crew, but did not use it to power the aircraft. Nicknamed "The Crusader", it was created for the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion program (ANP for short), to show the feasibility of a nuclear-powered bomber.
Convair X-6 - Wikipedia
Experiments were carried out on a testbed aircraft named Convair NB-36H, based on the B-36 bomber. The program was canceled before the actual X-6 and its nuclear reactor engines were completed. The X-6 was part of a larger series of programs that ran from 1946 through 1961, and cost 7 billion USD.
This Week in History: Nuclear-powered aircraft program begins
2012年9月5日 · A B-36 that had been damaged in a tornado at Carswell AFB, Texas, on Sept. 1, 1952, was modified as the test aircraft for the program. It was redesignated the XB-36H, then the NB-36H, and was modified to carry a 3-megawatt, air-cooled aircraft shield test nuclear reactor in its bomb bay. The reactor was operational but did not power the plane.