山地车常见比赛形式科普:XC、速降、耐力赛和 4X - 美骑 …
2022年6月21日 · 有些xc赛程分为xcc和xco两项,xcc属于“短道竞速”,先期举行,其成绩决定xco正赛发车排位。 速降赛车(Downhill racing) 速降比赛是从山顶到山脚的赛事,所以也称坠山赛,车手们在一个赛道上单独比赛,每个类别中用时最快的获胜。
Cross-country cycling - Wikipedia
XC racing exists in four main formats: XCE (Cross-Country eliminator), XCO (Cross-Country Olympic), XCC (Cross-Country Short Circuit) and XCM (Cross-Country Marathon). A discipline where the top two riders advance to the next round and the other two riders are eliminated. Each race has a maximum duration of 60 seconds.
What is XCC, and why is it important? - UCI
Cross-country Short Track (XCC) is an exciting and relatively new format of cross-country (XC) which, since its inception early in 2018, has played an important part in the Mercedes-Benz UCI Mountain Bike World Cup.
UCI XCO World Cup racing: Everything you need to know - Red Bull
2022年3月23日 · XCO, short for Cross-Country Olympics, is a UCI off-road mountain bike race format held over undulating, mainly dirt-based circuits that riders must complete...
2024 UCI MTB WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - XCO/XCC/XCR/E-MTB/DHI - competition hub results and live
What is XCC and XCO Mountain Biking? w/ Emily Batty
If you're wondering what on earth XC, XCC and XCO racing are, then worry not because Canadian National Champion, Emily Batty, is here to run us through the ins and outs of UCI World Cup...
What are the difference between XCO, XCC, XCM, XCE and XCR?
Cross-Country Short Track (XCC) is a condensed version of XCO. The race takes place on a shortened and less technical circuit for about 20 minutes. XCC is often used as a qualifying or complementary event to XCO competitions.
什么是XCC和XCO山地自行车? - Red Bull
什么是XCC和XCO山地自行车? 想知道XCC和XCO赛车到底是什么? 加拿大国家冠军艾米莉·巴蒂(Emily Batty)带领我们完成了UCI世界杯越野山地赛车的比赛。
解读山地世界杯改制争议 尼诺后排发车反杀登顶 - 美骑网|Biketo.com
2018年5月23日 · 在xco的头一天,车手们需进行xcc的比赛,排名前16的选手可以在第二天的xco赛获得前排发车的资格。 什么是XCC? 我们可以称XCC为短道赛,以德国Albstadt站为例,短道赛的赛道绕行一圈最快仅需要2分14秒。
XC世界杯:未来谁才是山地之王 (下)|山地越野|山地车|山地世界 …
已xcc比赛的排名来决定xco比赛的发车位置。Xcc可以说是“迷你版xco”,xcc是短道绕行的比赛,它和xco最大的区别便是其单圈赛道非常的短,几分钟就可以完成一圈,总用时也就仅相当于xco的四分之一左右。 可能很多不太关注xc世界杯的朋友要问了,为什么要在xco ...