iMessage Apps and Stickers - Apple Developer
Users can tap to send stickers in a thread, adjust their size, or place them on top of bubbles, other stickers, and photos. There’s no need to write code — simply drag your images into Xcode. Sticker packs can be listed in the Stickers category and relevant Stickers subcategories on the App Store for iMessage.
Creating a Sticker App with a Custom Layout - Apple Developer
Xcode provides a template for creating sticker pack apps, but the template’s presets limit customization. The Stickers sample project demonstrates how to create your own sticker pack app using an application template instead of the Xcode …
使用 Xcode 8 为 iMessage 创建表情包插件 - 简书
2016年6月20日 · Xcode 8 已经为 Message Extension 准备了几个项目模板。 如果是 sticker pack,选择 iOS > Application > Sticker Pack Application. 然后,输入项目名称。
【Sticker pack Application】如何制作iOS stickers表情包应用并上传
2018年4月17日 · iOS对于Stickers有两种方式,一种是 Sticker Pack Extension,一种是Sticker pack Application。 Sticker pack Application是作为一个app可以单独上线AppStore,直接在appstore搜索下载。 Sticker Pack Extension之前在xcode的名字交iMessage App,也就是直接在iMessage搜索下载的表情包。
iOS 实现自定义表情 自定义表情包制作app苹果 - 51CTO博客
2023年12月25日 · iMessage app 是iOS10中嵌入到Message内容的iMessage apps,包含简单的表情包以及自定义的复杂界面。 * Sticker pack app :单独的表情包应用,不需要编写任何代码,只需拖动图片即可,包括静态和动态表情。 * iMessage app :单独的iMessage应用,要编写代码,可以发送表情包、文字、视频、音频。 上面两个也可以以一个app的扩展嵌入到iMessage应用中。 < 2 > 拖入该动态图片的各个帧图片即可(拖入Frame1位置)。 * 直接 …
ios 10 开发-使用 Extension创建iMessage App & Sticker Pack …
2016年9月30日 · 使用 Xcode 开发 iMessage 应用程序需要创建一个新的 iMessage App Target,然后在 iMessage Application Sticker Pack 中添加所需的贴纸资源。 据报道, iOS 10 的 i Message App 提供了更多的可能性,使得 开发 者可以...
stickers/iOS/README.md at main · WhatsApp/stickers - GitHub
Users who download and install your sticker app will be able to add your stickers to their WhatsApp sticker picker/tray, and start sending those stickers from within WhatsApp. A separate app is necessary and it will reside on your phone's home screen just like any other app.
Publishing a Sticker Pack App for iMessage: A how-to guide
2017年12月7日 · Xcode is where you upload your sticker files and icon files, test your app, and eventually package them in a bundle that goes to iTunes Connect when you’re ready to submit your app.
iOS Sticker Packs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
2019年1月24日 · XCode. XCode is a free program that packages your app build for App Store submission. However, it only runs on a Mac, so be sure to have an access to one (I borrowed a Mac from my roommate; thanks, Tiffany!).
Developing iMessage Apps and Sticker Packs for iOS
2023年5月16日 · In this tutorial, we will learn how to create iMessage apps and sticker packs for iOS using Xcode and Swift. iMessage apps and sticker packs allow users to send interactive content or stickers to their iMessage conversations on iPhone and iPad. Prerequisites. Xcode 12 or later; iOS 14 or later SDK; Mac running macOS Big Sur or later