dxc5 or cxd5 ??? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2011年1月8日 · My question is on 11th move. Here c-pawns and d-pawns of both sides are facing at the center, keeping the tension. My brain hung up about what to do. (3) I don't capture any and let my opponent play cxd4 or dxc4. nice for me. I believe this way of thinking is partly correct (?) but actually it was wrong in this game.
Scandinavian Defense - Wikipedia
The Scandinavian Defense (or Center Counter Defense, or Center Counter Game) is a chess opening characterized by the moves: 1. e4 d5. This opening is classified under code B01 in the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. The Scandinavian Defense, described in the poem Scachs d'amor, is the oldest opening by Black recorded in modern chess. [1]
XD5 - Live Chess Tournament - Chess.com
2021年9月20日 · Join the live chess tournament "XD5" with your friends and other players from around the world to prove who is the strongest chess player in the club. Do your best and go for first place!
But chess is evolving, and in the past years the games of Sergei Tiviakov and other strong players showed that perhaps 3... d6 could be af-ter all the best option. It is certain-ly the safest flavour of the Scandi-navian. All Black’s forces exert a re-straining effect on the enemy’s cen-tre.
Why is xd5 a good move? : r/chessbeginners - Reddit
With xd5 black captured a knight, and the engine says it is "a good move, not the best, but an interisting one". While I understand that when losing the engine thinks in some strange ways, how on Earth is that move a good move?
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.Nb5 - Chess Forums
2013年5月19日 · The chess-related point is that once you attack its easy for your opponent to find moves - one that doesn't lose immediately is probably best. But lay back and watch him flounder. Keep your eye on the prize - in the opening that is to place a pawn in the center (e4 or d4), get your minor pieces out (knights to c3, f3) bishops anywhere (that ...
Multiverse Chess
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Opening • Scandinavian Defense - lichess.org
White's only appealing move is exd5, after which, the Black queen may find itself in the middle of the board, on d5, after capturing the White pawn. Having the queen out early is contrary to the opening principles often taught to chess students, however the Scandinavian is one notable exception to this rule.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...d5/2. exd5 - Wikibooks
2022年10月30日 · Black has the ability to immediately take back the pawn with 2...Qxd5 but at the cost of a slower development, because White can win a tempo with 3. Nc3. The other option is to play 2...Nf6 attacking the pawn. White may try to keep the pawn (with 3. c4 or 3. Bb5+) or leave it and keep the initiative.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...d5/2. exd5/2...Nf6 - Wikibooks
2022年10月31日 · < Chess Opening Theory | 1. e4 | 1...d5 | 2. exd5. In this variation of the Scandinavian Defence, black elects to play Nf6 after exd5 instead of the more traditional reply, Qxd5. This decision allows black to develop a piece before capturing the pawn, and to potentially trade off their knight with 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nxd5 4. Nxd5 Qxd5.