[XeOF5]- - ChemTube3D
Non-superimposable Spiro Amides.
On the Structure of the [XeOF5]- Anion and of Heptacoordinated …
1995年3月1日 · In this review, we discuss different ions of oxygen and fluorine and related oxyfluorides and isoelectronic species from the viewpoint of their potential ambisaline character, defined as a property… Fluxional seven-coordinated fluorido- and oxofluoridotantalates. Acta crystallographica Section B, Structural…
XeOF5– and [(XeOF4)3F]– anions - Semantic Scholar
The XeOF5– and [(XeOF4)3F]– anions, which comprise a new class of xenon(VI) oxyfluoro-anion, have been synthesized as their caesium salts and their structures have been characterized for the first time using vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction; the XeOF5– anion displays a stereochemically active lone pair, and the ...
inorganic chemistry - The pentagonal pyramidal structure of XeOF5 ...
2015年8月23日 · Why does the $\ce{XeF6}$ molecule have an octahedral structure while $\ce{XeOF5-}$ has a pentagonal pyramidal structure, despite both molecules having 7 electron pairs? I suppose the extra electron...
Mean amplitudes of vibration of the novel XeF − 5 anion
1992年9月18日 · In conclusion, this study allows a broader insight into the bond and vibrational properties of the interesting XeF5 anion. Its mean amplitudes of vibration confirm the existence of enlarged and somewhat polar bonds.
XeOF5– and [(XeOF4)3F]– anions - RSC Publishing
The XeOF 5– and [ (XeOF 4) 3 F] – anions, which comprise a new class of xenon (VI) oxyfluoro-anion, have been synthesized as their caesium salts and their structures have been characterized for the first time using vibrational spectroscopy and X -ray powder diffraction; the XeOF 5– anion displays a stereochemically active lone pair, and the poly...
Preparations and Reactions of Inorganic Main-Group Oxide Fluorides
1983年1月1日 · Perhaps the most interesting advance in xenon oxide fluoride chemistry recently is the characterization of the [XeOF5] and [(XeOF4)3F]~ anions which comprise a new class of xenontVI) oxyfluoro anions.
XeOF5−, ein Anion mit pentagonal‐pyramidaler Struktur
1995年8月4日 · Durch interionische Kräfte nur wenig verzerrt liegt das Anion XeOF −5 (Bild rechts, Bindungslängen in pm) in Kristallen von NO + XeOF −5 vor. Das Xenonatom befindet sich dabei nur wenig oberhalb der durch die Fluoratome aufgespannten Ebene und das doppeltgebundene Sauerstoffatom in der apikalen Position der pentagonalen Pyramide.
Mean amplitudes of vibration of the pentagonal pyramidal XeOF5…
2000年1月1日 · Mean amplitudes of vibration of the recently reported pentagonal pyramidal XeOF 5− and IOF 52− anions were calculated from vibrational spectroscopic data, in the temperature range between 0 and 1000 K. The results are briefly discussed and some comparisons with related species are made. 1. Introduction.
Heptacoordination. Synthesis and Characterization of the IOF
1999年3月25日 · The structure is very similar to that previously established by vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction for isoelectronic XeOF 5- and represents only the second example of a heptacoordinated XOF 5 E (E = free valence electron pair) main group species. The possible existence of the IOF 63- trianion is briefly discussed.