Tailhook Topics: McDonnell XF2D-1 Banshees - Blogger
2019年10月29日 · McDonnell XF2D-1 Banshees John Rieley asked me a question about the XF2D-1 (XF2H-1 after BuAer changed McDonnell's company designation from D to H when Douglas was awarded a contract for its first Navy fighter in more than a decade), which caused me to review the content of my post on the Banshee family (see https://tailspintopics.blogspot.com ...
F-2战斗机(英文:F-2 Fighter,绰号:Banshee,译文:女妖,通称:麦克唐纳F-2女妖战斗机) [1],是 美国海军 和海军陆战队一型单座双发平直翼亚音速喷气式舰载战斗机 [2]。 F-2战斗机从外型上看是加大尺寸、换装更大推力发动机的FH-1“鬼怪”战斗机,但实际上全新的设计 [2]。 F-2战斗机由美国麦克唐纳飞机公司(McDonnell,1967年与道格拉斯飞机公司合并,成立麦道公司)在20世纪50年代研制 [2],1947年1月11日原型机首飞,1948年8月开始装备服役,是美国海军 …
McDonnell F2H Banshee - Military Factory
2024年2月7日 · Three XF2H-1 / XF2D-1 aircraft were built and all 56 of the contracted F2H-1 models were produced. The latter batch featured the Westinghouse J34-WE-22 turbojet engine of 3,000lb thrust. An improved version, the F2H-2, followed with the aforementioned wingtip fuel tanks in addition to eight underwing hardpoints for the carrying of stores (up to ...
The Banshee: McDonnell’s Korean War-Era Workhorse
2021年8月31日 · The first look at the new jet, then designated the XF2D-1, was provided by the initial mockup of the aircraft which was completed in April 1945. Unlike many other aircraft under development at the time, work on the Banshee survived the cut at the end of the war, although development work was slowed somewhat.
为死亡而悲鸣,为战争而生——F2H女妖型号识别(短篇) - 哔哩 …
2022年1月25日 · xf2d-1/xf2h-1 从FH-1的基础改进而来,将FH-1的1600磅推力的西屋J30-WE-20引擎换为了3000磅推力的西屋J34-WE-22引擎,武备按要求放弃勃朗宁AN/M2 50口径航空机枪而换为四门每分钟150发的柯尔特Mk16 20mm航炮在机鼻
XF2D-1 . DATE 1- 1946 PAGE 2 MODEL XF2 AIRPLANÉ CHARACTERISTICS a PERFORMANCE BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS, NAVY DEPT. ëTheSe conditions are repreeentatlve or the airplane of condition at the coabat radius with out fuel consued In aocoMance with formula RADIUS:C RUISE-OUT CRUI B 20000 rt. …
以妖魔鬼怪来命名 它是美军在朝战使用的主要战斗机_生产
2021年10月16日 · xf2d-1是在xfd-1的基础上进行设计的,其整体布局同xfd-1非常相近,同样采用平直的长梯形机翼,进气道口位于翼根向前凸起的位置的横圆角三角形的形状等,不同的地方是xf2d-1的尺寸比xfd-1大一些,机头部分显得更加钝圆并下垂,改善了视野,发动机尾喷口处于机 ...
U.S. Navy Aircraft History: XF2D-1/F2H-1/F2H-2 Fuel System
2010年9月29日 · The XF2D-1 SAC chart dated 1 June 1946 shows an overall length of 38' 11.5", an increase of only two inches. The total internal-fuel capacity shown is the required 848 gallons, including the two tanks in the stub wings that presumably was 90 gallons of the more than 300-gallon increase required.
F2H女妖 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少女R百科
1946年7月19日,第二架XFD-1原型机在“富兰克林•D•罗斯福”号航空母舰(CVB-42)上完成了首次起飞/着舰试验,从而成为第一架可在航母上使用的由美国设计的完全喷气动力的战斗机。 1947年,由于麦克唐纳的公司代码由D改为H,“鬼怪”的编号也随之改为FH-1。 它在1949年时从美国海军和海军陆战队中退役。 而XF2D-1“女妖”实际上就是加大尺寸、换装更大推力的发动机的“鬼怪”。 海军认为XFD-1的最大速度仅为417节,因此,航空局就要求麦克唐纳公司设计一款FD-1后继机 …
McDonnell F-2H4 Banshee – Welcome to Perfect Flight
2002年12月2日 · The McDonnell XF2D-1 Banshee was a substantially larger and more powerful version of the Phantom. Back in 1945, when the Navy was first letting contracts for carrier-based jet fighters, it noted that the McDonnell XFD-1 Phantom was substantially slower (only 487 mph at sea level) than contemporary USAAF jet fighters such as the P-80 Shooting Star.
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